From Behaviorism Teaching toward Constructivism Learning:The Changing Landscapes of Taiwan’s SLC classrooms
學年 105
學期 1
發表日期 2016-10-28
作品名稱 From Behaviorism Teaching toward Constructivism Learning:The Changing Landscapes of Taiwan’s SLC classrooms
著者 陳麗華
會議名稱 The Fourth International Conference of School as Learning Community
會議地點 Beijing Normal University
摘要 Since school as learning community has been introduced in Taiwan in 2012, the landscapes of the SLC classrooms is silently changing from behaviorism teaching toward constructivism learning. Through working with the SLC schools and close observation, my argument is that the successful class reform counts not on a method, but a perspective. I will propose my observations with examples and evidences on this. The framework of my speech includes four parts. Firstly, the social context and phenomenon of the behaviorism teaching in traditional classrooms will be depicted. Secondly, past reforms and recent reforms which intend to deal with the behaviorism teaching will be examined. Learner-centered curriculum and instruction, the common core element of the recent reforms including SLC and the New K-12 Curriculum Guideline and others is included. I then raise my argument that compared with behaviorism teaching, constructivism learning leads more toward learner-centered curriculum and instruction. In the third part, how teachers of SLC carry out the ideas of constructivism learning to shape their charming classroom landscapes will be portrayed. In the final part of the speech, a culture barrier of implementing SLC in Taiwan’s classroom will be deliberated: what does the silent reform mean to Taiwan’s teachers who get used to using microphone and the noisy classroom? What are the in-depth meanings of silence?
語言 en
會議性質 國際
研討會時間 20161028~20161029
國別 CHN

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