學年 102
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2013-09-01
作品名稱 漢代辟邪神獸的玉文化
作品名稱(其他語言) Jade Culture of the Han Dynasty of Deity Beast
著者 黃建淳
出版者 淡江大學歷史學系
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 淡江史學 25,頁25-50
摘要 有漢一代,巫風暢行,鬼道愈盛。宮廷貴族篤於巫祝,求於譏祥;天下之事,或以仙道方術觀察,或以五行陰陽處置,凡此史載,斑斑可考。在漢代玉器發展上,經見一種相貌兇惡,造型詭譎又難以名狀的動物。其形象不但構成藝術文化的一項重要母題,甚至貫穿了兩漢玉雕藝術之始終,此一形象動物,就是史籍指陳的辟邪神獸。本文依據古籍文獻的記載,並結合考古資料與公私立若干收藏,主要探索漢玉辟邪神獸,在漢室彌漫仙道符讖的世風下,所蘊含生前死後的文學藝術與內在的精神文化。 In Han Dynasty, the sorcery was popular in vogue, even the noblemen showed boundless enthusiasum for the ghost and deity divination, therefore, on the jade development, the beast with evil countenance and unique appearance has been created, whose name was called deity beast in history annal.This article, based on the historical literature accompanied with archaeological data and some jade collections from public or private source, mainly studied the jade deity beast of the Han Dynasty, in which contained the death and living concept and far deep mental culture under the popular sorcery on that era.
關鍵字 神仙方術;辟邪;天祿;符拔;玉文化;Immortal sorcery;Pishei;Tienlu;Fupa;Jade culture
語言 zh_TW

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