學年 104
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2015-08-27
作品名稱 校園反霸凌能力指標與課程之研究:以九年一貫社會學習領域中的反霸凌與和平教育概念為例
作品名稱(其他語言) Study of Anti-Bullying Competence Indicators and Curriculum: The Concept of Peace Education in the Social Studies, Grade 1-9 Curriculum
著者 陳建甫; 李素君
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 中等教育 66(4),頁 89-118
摘要 本研究運用內容分析法,檢視九年一貫社會學習領域課綱裡的147條能力指標,歸納出30條隱含有「反霸凌」與「和平教育」共同核心概念的能力指標。比對第一至第四階段能力指標後,研究發現反霸凌能力指標的涵括性不夠、情意能力指標不足、各主題軸涉及之人類環境,其所涵蓋的能力指標並不足夠。教師可以透過跨主軸式能力指標,例如:「人與空間」、「人與時間」、「演化與不變」、「意義與價值」、「生產、分配與消費」、「科學、技術與社會」,自行來規劃校園反霸凌課程,最後,鼓勵教師可以開發新的反霸凌能力指標;或採用同心圓方式,深化先前階段相關反霸凌能力指標的延展性;以及借用人權與性別平等教育等議題能力指標,來轉化反霸凌課程的教學。 The study attempted to transform the common connotations of the school anti-bullying and peace education into the Social Studies, Grade 1-9 Curriculum, and to design the school anti-bullying curriculum to guide students with the concept of peace. The content analysis employed to examine the 147 competence indicators (CIs) in the Social Studies, Grade 1-9 Curriculum. The result illustrated that 30 CIs contained with the common concept of peace education and school anti-bullying, located in the four stages and in the nine topics axis. The findings shown the current school anti-bullying CIsare not comprehensiveness and the insufficient of affective indicators in school anti-bullying and peace education. The study encouraged teachers to design the school anti-bullying curriculum beyond the original boundaries of the nine topics axis. Three teaching strategies suggested for teachers, including: (1) to develop their own school anti-bullying CIs, (2) to employ the concentric circles method that contained the previous benchmarks into the next stages, in order to deepen the anti-bullying CIs, and (3) to transfer the CIs of human rights and gender equality education into the school anti-bullying curriculum.
關鍵字 社會學習領域;校園反霸凌課程;和平教育;能力指標;Social Studies;school anti-bullying curriculum;peace education;competence indicators
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1018-0230
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/104356 )