學年 104
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2016-04-30
作品名稱 學習導向的校長領導:最佳實務建立與現況實徵分析之研究(3/3)
作品名稱(其他語言) Principal Leadership for Learning: a Study on Best Practices and Empirical Analysis (3/3)
著者 潘慧玲
單位 淡江大學教育政策與領導研究所
描述 計畫編號:NSC101-2410-H032-069-MY3
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 Under the framework of the Integrated Project, entitled “Educational Leadership for Learning”, this study puts its focus on the leadership of junior high school principals. In the three-year span, this study covers three parts of investigation: 1. In the first year, using interview and case observation to explore the contextualized practices of principal leadership for learning. 2. The qualitative collection continues in the second year. After analyzing the data of principal interview and observation as well as focus group interview, the study attempts to create the best practices of principal leadership for learning. 3. Based on previous two-year empirical data and feedbacks from other studies under this Integrated Project, the author firstly develops a questionnaire for examining the current condition of principal leadership for learning. Secondly, a national survey will be conducted. Finally, a comprehensive model, including mediators of school, teacher and family level, will be developed to investigate the impact of leadership on learning. This study conducts with indigenous perspectives, linking to the Instructional Leadership in East Asia: A Cross-Cultural Collaborative Research Study, which is initiated by Philip Hallinger and Allan Walker. It is expected that this study may have its contribution the international community of educational leadership. 本子計畫在整合型計畫架構下,以校長的學習導向領導(leadership for learning)為題,選擇國中階段為研究範圍,進行實徵研究。探討的重點有三:第一年透過訪談、個案觀察等方法,瞭解校長脈絡化的學習導向領導實踐經驗;第二年繼續質性資料之蒐集,並進一步作分析,另輔以焦點團體訪談,茲以建立校長學習導向領導之最佳實務(best practices);最後,根據前二年所得資料,以及其他子計畫之回饋資料,發展校長學習導向領導之評估工具,以進行全國大樣本之問卷調查,除就現況作瞭解外,亦試圖建立可以解釋校長領導影響學生學習之綜合性中介模式。本計畫之實施一方面立足於整合計畫下,一方面亦搭配香港教育學院Philip Hallinger與Allan Walker發起之國際合作計畫,期冀三年之研究成果,能提供本土觀點,並對國際學術有所貢獻。
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/102744 )
