學年 102
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2014-04-01
作品名稱 外部環境變遷下的公部門人才管理策略
作品名稱(其他語言) Developing Talent Management Strategies in Public Sector to Meet Challenges Posed by External Changes
著者 陳志瑋
單位 淡江大學公共行政學系
出版者 臺北市:考試院
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 文官制度季刊=Journal of Civil Service 6(2),頁65-97
摘要 政府機關除了要處理常規業務外,愈來愈多重大變故亦不斷考驗著政府的因應能力,促使行政部門有必要益加關切這些重大非常規變故的預防與管理。特別是許多新興複雜議題,如人口老化、少子化、氣候變遷、年金制度改革、公債餘額增加、產業發展、青年失業率等,經年累月而已成為難解的政策難題。 本文旨在分析如何運用公部門人才管理策略,來處理來自全球與國家層次不同力量交錯影響的各項棘手公共議題。其次,本文探討人才甄選、能力建立與人才留用這三項人才管理策略的重要內涵,並針對這三項策略內涵,檢視我國現行中央與地方政府的相關人才計畫現況,進而提出三點研究建議如下: 第一,強化用人機關的人才導向思維,並根據開放式國家創新系統的需求,在現有考選制度之外直接甄補具有高度協調統合能力的人才,進入機關擔任關鍵的催化角色。 第二,針對我國當前外部環境變遷議題,建立與強化協力治理與裁減管理的能力,另應更加重視機關層次的人才能力建立。 第三,賦予機關首長更多人事管理責任,以進行機關的策略管理與績效管理。 As governments do their regular work, they are faced with more and more extraordinary incidents that are testing their ability to respond. Some emerging issues, such as aging population, declining birth rate, climate change, annuity scheme reform, public debt balance, industry development and youth unemployment, are all knotty issues for policy makers. This paper aims to develop talent management strategies for the public sector as part of efforts to address the intractable public issues which are deeply intertwined with global and national forces. On the other hand, this paper focuses on three strategies of talent management: talent recruitment, capacity building, and talent retention. The results can be concluded as follows: First, the hiring agency should be given the autonomy to recruit people who have high capabilities of coordination and integration and integrate them into a national system that is geared toward opening up and innovation. Second, build and strengthen public employees’ collaborative governing ability and cutback management capacity. Third, hold the public agency leader more accountable for human resources management, so they can do their jobs of strategic management and performance management more effectively.
關鍵字 人才管理;人才甄選;能力建立;人才留用;Talent Management;Talent Recruitment;Capacity Building;Talent Retention
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 2073-9214
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/99341 )
