學年 101
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2012-08-01
作品名稱 我國公私立大學實施按收入比例還款型學生貸款可行性之研究
作品名稱(其他語言) A Feasibility Study of Income-Contingent Loans for Higher Education Students in Taiwan
著者 鈕方頤
單位 淡江大學教育政策與領導研究所
描述 計畫編號:NSC101-2410-H032-068
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 鑒於教育對國家發展之重要性,各國政府皆重視高等教育的發展與經費補助。當政 府陷入財政困窘,高等教育成本卻不斷提升,政府經費勢必無法跟上高等教育的擴張與改革。在此同時,中等教育入學與畢業人數增加,讓更多人有資格接受高等教育,推升對大學教育的急迫需求,但高等教育卻必需與其他公部門競爭經費,無法依照本身需求 大量擴增,這些因素促使政府必須尋求其它資源,意即私有資金(private capital),分擔每生單位成本的上升。同時,使用者付費概念的興起,亦促使學生對其教育相關費用負擔起更大的責任。對於私部門而言,惟有報酬大過於風險,投資才有可能成立。雖然高等教育通常具有高報酬性,但對個人和貸方而言,風險可能很高。在一般金融市場,高風險投資能藉由股權融資分散風險,但是銀行借錢給學生有一定風險,因為這類交易 沒有擔保品。傳統上,這種市場失靈的解決方式,是政府保證償還拖欠還款義務學生借款。然而,這個方法有其缺點。而按收入比例還款的學費貸款制度則提供了另一個籌措學費的管道。本研究將進行按收入比例還款學費貸款制度在台灣公私立大學實施之可能性。 Over the last decade or so, governments, researchers and policy makers of many countries have been engaged in public debate concerning the potential of income contingent loan to replace existing higher education financing arrangements, exploring ways in which an income contingent loan scheme for higher education could be implemented. Researchers point out that there are several important conditions that have to be met in order for an income-contingent loan to be workable. Basic points are that the collection agency has to have the capacity to accurately assess a former student’s lifetime incomes, and then to be able to deduct debts in accordance with these incomes in a low cost way. The existence of an entity capable of determining individuals’ incomes and collecting payments from them to make the system work. Under the existing student loan system in Taiwan, borrowers must begin repaying their loans one year after graduating, at a fixed monthly rate. The loan’s maturity depends on how many semester of tuition it covered. The Ministry of Education introduced more flexible repayment schemes in 2011 which are to be implemented beginning the second semester of the 2011-2012 school year. Although the Ministry of Education claims that the ratio of non-performing loans is decreasing, the problem is more serious amongst private higher education institution graduates than public institution graduates. Also, even though students’ financial burden might be decreasing, government’s financial burden to pay for the interests have actually been increasing. This research thus investigates the feasibility and applicability of an income contingent loan scheme for higher education students in Taiwan.
關鍵字 學生貸款; 按收入比例還款型貸款; 成本分擔; 高等教育; student loan; income-contingent loan; cost-sharing; higher education
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/98157 )
