學年 100
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2012-05-01
作品名稱 朱熹與戴震孟子學之比較研究-以西方詮釋學所展開的反思
作品名稱(其他語言) omparative studies on mencius of chu-hsi and tai-chen: introspection from the controversy of hermeneutics
著者 羅雅純; 袁保新
單位 淡江大學中國文學學系
出版者 臺北市:秀威資訊科技股份有限公司出版
摘要 本論文研究目的:立足在孟學發展史上的歷史關鍵點,從宋/清孟學發展轉折切入,以朱熹/戴震做為研究對象,探究二家思想的關聯性,從《孟子》註釋文本或思想轉折性,朱熹/戴震孟學之比較,當是宋至清代孟學系譜中最具代表性例子!本文研究動機欲進一步了解這二家詮釋差異緣由為何?針對分歧歷史背景追溯構成殊異之因,再從西方詮釋學新視野展開二家釋孟評議為本文研究目的。藉由二家對比詮釋所透顯孟學發展,溯源宋至清孟學系譜,檢別學術轉化何以從宋明理學「向內體證理路」,趨向清代「向外道德實踐」展現不同義理蘊趣,此工作之廓清當為本文研究價值之所在。 本論文研究方法:回顧孟學發展史,漫長註疏著作可謂汗牛充棟,何以新視野重探孟學流變?這問題正可從「西方詮釋學」獲得啓發。基於此,依循歷史脈絡揭示影響朱熹/戴震詮釋隱蘊因素,追問這詮釋背後所預設根據,置於隸屬時代背景下進行理解,從文獻推知尋求解惑可能,還原經典以期獲致合理邏輯性的思想掌握。援引二法,以「西方詮釋學」哲學方法及沈清松「對比研究法」,共融併用做為本文研究方法的理論依據。 本論文研究內容:本文論述茲分六章進行分析,綜合論述進路。首先,立基於歷史發展脈絡,忠於朱熹/戴震孟學文獻的解讀,盡可能掌握經典語義,探源詮釋所關懷的歷史意識,經由導引出詮釋系統的架構成形,衡定評騭義理價值。其次,對比研究朱熹/戴震孟學思想,追問何以造成這不同理解的根據,再從西方詮釋學的觀點展開貫串分析,提供另一參照系統。研究目的不僅在於說明朱熹/戴震二家註孟特色,更立足在中西互為體用的立場,援「西」釋「中」探析孟學的各種可能,期能對於中國孟學詮釋的脈絡提供更佳的論述角度。再者,疏理西方詮釋學在解釋傳統問題的特點,既是當代研究無法逃避的前提,如何接引與西方詮釋話語,又不失中國傳統經典的解釋權,融合傳統與當代,進能與西方學術思潮相侔合,正是本文研究期能廓清之任務。 Comparative Studies on Mencius of Chu-hsi and Tai-chen: Introspection from the Controversy of Hermeneutics The purpose of this academic dissertation is based on the historical hinge of Mencius Studies, take Chu Hsi and Tai Chen as two objects to probe into the correlations between they each other. I prefer ascertaining the reasons of the differences of these two schools. To be aimed at divergent historical backgrounds and trace the reasons which constructed the differences, and after that, from the angle of hermeneutics to spread the two schools' interpretations on Mencius Studies to be the purpose of this dissertation. By the contradistinctions of the two schools to accentuate the development of Mencius Studies, to view the genealogy of Mencius Studies from the Song to the Ching Dynasty, and to examine why the academic transformation express different meanings and interests from the Song to the Ching Dynasty are all the values of this dissertation. The research methods: Look backward to the developmental history of Mencius Studies and to base on this context to reveal the factors influenced Chu Hsi or Tai Chen. Furthermore, ask the anticipatory authorities of the interpretations and put them into the attached background to find out the possibilities of solving puzzles from the bibliography and get reasonable logicalness by returning to original classics. Hermeneutics and Shen, Chingsong’s “Contrastive Methods” (沈清松「對比研究法」)are theoretical basis. The contents of this dissertation: it is divided into six chapters. Firstly, based on the historical context and devoted to the reading of Chu His’s or Tai Chen’s bibliography, I do my best to realize the true meanings of the classics, the concerned historical consciousness and criticize the values. Secondary, compared with Chu His’s and Tai Chen’s thoughts, to question closely how to lead to such different comprehension, and draw support from Hermeneutics as another system of reference. Not only describe the characteristics between Chu His’s and Tai Chen’s interpretations but make any possibility to study Mencius by western theories. Furthermore, communication between Chinese and western academic thoughts is an important mission of this dissertation.
語言 zh_TW
ISBN 9789862218143

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/92186 )
