Translation as Expression: Reinventing Walter Benjamin’s Language Philosophy
學年 101
學期 2
發表日期 2013-05-31
作品名稱 Translation as Expression: Reinventing Walter Benjamin’s Language Philosophy
著者 邱漢平
作品所屬單位 淡江大學英文學系
會議名稱 The First International Deleuze Studies in Asia Conference
會議地點 New Taipei City, Taiwan
摘要 Walter Benjamin’s language philosophy is distinguished by its close attention to God’s Word and the naming language. In his essay “On Language as Such and on the Language of Man,” the prelapsarian Adam is presented as knowing instantly, when gazing at creatures God brought before him, the language God used to create each of them and naming accordingly. “This creativity, relieved of its divine actuality, became knowledge. Man is the knower in the same language in which God is the creator” (Selected Writings, Vol. I, 68). In this scene of contemplation and naming, translation is shown at its best, intuitively connecting God’s creativity with human knowledge. The concept of expression as reinvented by Leibniz and Spinoza in the seventeenth century out of creation and emanation also exhibits a grounding of human knowledge on God. “The concept of expression applies to Being determined as God, insofar as God expresses himself in the world. It applies to ideas determined as true, insofar as true ideas express God and the world. It applies, finally, to individuals determined as singular essences, insofar as singular essences express themselves in ideas” (Deleuze, Expressionism in Philosophy 321). With all their ontological preoccupations, expression and translation, nevertheless, diverge in their applications. This paper explores how translation shall develop, and adapt, in its interaction with expression in order to reach beyond the original focus on the relationship between pure language and communicative languages toward a new concern with body and affect.
關鍵字 Walter Benjamin;translation;expression;body;affect;naming;pure
語言 en
會議性質 國際
校內研討會地點 淡水校園
研討會時間 20130531~20130602
國別 TWN
公開徵稿 Y
出處 The First International Deleuze Studies in Asia Conference

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