學年 93
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2005-04-01
作品名稱 「台灣接單、海外出貨」之營運模式初探
著者 林昱君; 胡名雯
單位 淡江大學產業經濟學系
出版者 高雄市:中山大學大陸研究所
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 兩岸與國際事務季刊=Cross-Strait and International Affairs Quarterly 2(2),頁1-20
摘要 在全球化風潮之下,廠商追求利潤極大化、降低成本的營運操作,包括將部份生產活動委外製造,類似的現象首見於工資水準相對較高的先進國家。尤其在電子業,這種委外製造目前以每年超過20%的速率快速成長,成長率比整個電子業還高。在新經濟的大環境下,台商諸多營運行為亦面臨結構性的轉變,包括生產地點、供應鏈分工型態與接單出貨方式的彈性化轉變,進而造成「台灣接單、海外出貨」之離岸貿易發展迅速,不但影響台灣出口結構調整,對台灣而言,傳統倚重外貿發展帶動國內生產、就業與相關服務業之經濟發展模式更是面臨挑戰。為期能有效協助國內企業因應基本面的結構性調整,並適時掌握轉變的調整契機,本文以問卷調查的型式先行探究國內各產業運用「台灣接單、海外出貨」之離岸貿易營運模式,提供廠商之大致性營運行為參考。 In response to the ongoing process of economic globalization, companies are actively seeking ways of maximizing profits and reducing costs. One of the methods being adopted is the outsourcing of elements of companies’ manufacturing activities. Within the business environment which has come into being with the emergence of the new economy, many structural transformations are taking place in the way that Taiwanese companies do business. This has created a situation wherein orders are received in Taiwan, but the goods are shipped from overseas production locations; this kind of offshore trading activity is growing rapidly. Not only has this affected the structure of Taiwanese exports, but it also presents a challenge to Taiwan’s traditional economic development model, where, in the past, foreign trade provided the stimulus for growth in domestic production, employment and related service industries. In order to ensure that sufficient emphasis is placed upon the impact that the globalization of Taiwanese companies’ production and logistics is changing on Taiwan, this study includes not only an in-depth review of the literature on this subject area, but also the use of questionnaire surveys to analyze the current utilization of offshore trade by different Taiwanese industries.
關鍵字 委外生產;離岸貿易;臺灣接單;海外出貨 Outsourcing;Offshore trade;Export orders in Taiwan;but overseas shipments
語言 zh_TW
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,紙本

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