學年 101
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2013-04-01
作品名稱 我國考試行政類科現況分析與改革方向芻議-以公務人員高考三級考試為例
作品名稱(其他語言) The State of the Art and Reform Direction of Categories of Examination: The Analysis of Senior Examination for the Civil Service in Taiwan
著者 陳志瑋
單位 淡江大學公共行政學系
出版者 臺北市:中華民國考選部
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 國家菁英=National Elite 9(1),頁47-60
摘要 本文從各國政府與企業目前極為重視人才的爭取和留用出發,指出我國也應意識到這個問題的重要性,從改革現行考選制度著手,就職組、職系、考試類科、考試科目和應考資格等一連串相關規定,加上考試方法的檢討,以及用人機關參與等問題,冀望思索出一整套彼此相關的改革藍圖。 本文以公務人員高考三級考試為例,分析職組、職系、考試類科的相關現況,可知這套制度希望吸引具有相關學科背景的應試者,選擇相對的考試類科應考,錄取及格分發後即可快速上線,發揮其專業知識。然而以行政類別而言,此種學科對應關係不見得存在,專業知識和能力兩者亦可能存在落差。 本文提出三個類科改革的方向,分別是:(1)維持現行類科,調整考試科目;(2)簡併考試類科,減少考試科目;以及(3)以工作職能為重組類科的基礎。第一個方向只涉及考科調整,而不觸及類科簡併。第二個方向的「職組簡併法」直接以現有職組做為考試類科,方法簡單易行,但對現況的助益也有限;「職系交叉簡併法」則需根據「職系說明書」為檢討和整併基礎,涉及較高的技術性與複雜性。第三個方向已經脫離類科簡併的範疇,而是一種結構重組的概念,其變動幅度最大,但也最能體現人力資源管理的需求。整體而言,無論朝何種方向,本文認為皆應從考選制度變革的角度進行規劃與設計,俾能使我國的考選用人制度更加完善。 Human resource recruitment and retention are now a big issue for both governments and corporations all over the world. To make our public servants more competitive and more competent, it is critical to reform the civil service examination system, such as group of positions, series, categories of the examination, test subjects, and eligibility requirements. Besides, the method of examination review and increasing participation of employing institutions are necessary to take into account, so that the reform puzzle could be solved. This article analyzes the status quo of group of positions, series, and categories of the examination on the basis of Senior Examination for the Civil Service in Taiwan. Moreover, this system is designed to attract examinee to select a subject of examination which is relevant with her/his professional background. Somehow there exists a gap between the subject of examination and her/his professional background, or her/his real competence. This paper proposes three directions of reform: 1) adjust the subjects of examination without changing the categories; 2) integrate the categories of examination and diminish the subjects of examination; 3) reconstruct new categories of examination on the basis of competence. The first direction subjects to marginal change which is irrelevant with integration of categories of examination. The second one is more complex if the target of integration lies on series but not on group of positions. The third direction, however, indicates a competence base of examination which can link up with different functions of human resource management. Overall, a holistic way of thinking is required so that the civil service examination system could be better.
關鍵字 考選制度;考試類科;職能;人才管理;Civil service examination system;Categories of the examination;Competence;Talent management
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1816-2614
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/89176 )
