學年 98
學期 2
發表日期 2010-05-22
作品名稱 國中低成就學生英語字彙學習策略之個案研究
作品名稱(其他語言) A Case Study on English Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Low Achievers in Junior High School
著者 顏世俊; 蔡鎮宇; 黃儒傑
作品所屬單位 淡江大學課程與教學研究所
出版者 臺北縣:淡江大學
會議名稱 亞洲地區弱勢學生教育課程與教學國際學術研討會=International conference on Asian experiences of education for the disadvantaged students: curriculum and instruction
會議地點 臺北縣, 臺灣
摘要 本研究皆在探討兩位參加攜手計劃的國中七年級生之英語字彙學習歷程,以了解 在教學中、教學後的學習情形。其中一個案(連生)基礎不好,也不會使用學習 方法,導致落後進度、學習成效不佳;另一個案(陳生)學習態度不良,吵鬧講 話,會影響其他同學上課,並認為第8 節被留下來很倒楣'學習意願不高。研究 者於教學過程中發現學生不僅有字母、發音技巧先備知識不足之問題,致拼字困 難、死背單字及容易忘記等情形之外,其學習態度不佳、學習方法錯誤,亦不會 運用記憶(如圖像或聯想等)策略。 本研究採用解釋性個案研究法,主要搜集: 「課堂中與下課後之觀察紀錄」、「學 生學習省思紀錄」( 以培養學生自己學習需求之後設認知)、及輔以研究者與學生 間「輕鬆對話式」之訪談資料等。在資料分析結果方面,你就「教學中」與「教 學後」之內在與外在歷程加以探討。在「教學中」之內在歷程上,發現(1)自 我認知不足,常以「學不會、聽不懂」來規避學習;(2) 很少積極思考,致影響 類推能力;(3) 自信不足,認為自己很健忘,幾乎不相信多花時間可以學會。在 「教學中」之外在歷程上,發現(1)班上人際關係不佳,沒人協助; (2) 下課 時間大都在玩,沒有複習,很快忘記所學;(3) 不在乎成績,功課也應付了事。 在「教學後」之內在歷程上,發現(1)已體認學習的重要,並願意配合; (2) 已稍能運用記憶策略,經提醒,能發揮聯想來記憶字彙;(3) 較有自信,漸漸相 信經過努力可以學會。而在「教學後」之外在歷程上,亦發現( 1 )經指定英文 程度好的同儕協助後,研究對象的學習意願增強;(2) 能利用下課及午休時間和 同儕問測試字彙成果;(3) 考卷和習作願意自己作答,即使成績進步有限,但充 滿成就成。 This study is reported through the interpretative case study method by gathering, " In-class and After-class Observation Records", "Students' Learning Reflections" ( in order to collect subjects' learning needs and to cultivate their metacognition) , and the " Interviews " which the easy and free dialogues supported between researchers and subjects. In data analysis, the results will be explored and described by dividing into two parts. They are the internal and the external processes of" In-teaching" and the" After-teaching". The internal processes of In-teaching, researchers find out that (1) subjects have lack of self-awareness, and often shirk their learning duties by the excuses" I do not understand or I can not learn. " ; (2) subjects never have their learning positively that cause their poor analogical abilities; (3) subjects have little self-confidence and consider themselves very forgetful, and they almost do not believe they can learn well by spending more time. Besides, the external processes of " After-teaching ", researchers find out that (1) subjects have lack of interpersonal relationships with classmates, and without help; (2) subjects use most of their time for playing during the break, but without reviewing lessons that cause them forget easily what they have learned; (3) subjects do not care about their learning outcomes as well as their homework. On the other hand, The internal processes of After-teaching , researchers find out that (1) subjects has already realized the importance of learning and are willing to cooperate in learning; (2) subjects may use several memorizing strategies and may use association to spell words with reminder; (3) subjects are more self-confident, and they gradually believe in themselves to learn better with much effort. Furthermore, the external processes of" After-teaching ", researchers find out that (1) subjects increase aspirations for learning English words with a good peer's help; (2) subjects test vocabulary with the peer for reviewing during the break; (3) subjects are willing to do test papers and assignments on their own, even if the performance is still low. However, they have themselves full of achievement in the hearts.
關鍵字 個案研究;弱勢學生;學習低成就;學習策略;英文字彙;Case study;Disadvantaged student;Learning low achievement;Learning strategies;English vocabulary
語言 zh_TW
會議性質 國際
校內研討會地點 淡水校園
研討會時間 20100522~20100522
國別 TWN
公開徵稿 Y
出處 亞洲地區弱勢學生教育課程與教學國際學術研討會論文集,頁263-284

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/85008 )
