Investigating the effects of self-efficacy on foodservice industry employees’ career commitment
學年 99
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2010-12-01
作品名稱 Investigating the effects of self-efficacy on foodservice industry employees’ career commitment
作品名稱(其他語言) 探討自我效能對於餐飲服務人員生涯承諾之影響
著者 Niu, Han-jen
單位 淡江大學管理科學學系
出版者 Kidlington: Pergamon
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 International Journal of Hospitality Management 29(4), pp.743-750
摘要 Compared to workers in other kinds of occupations, such as technology services, foodserviceindustry workers face much higher psychological pressure with relatively lower pay. In an ideal foodserviceindustry, the human factor should not be neglected. With a relatively high turnover rate, understanding the psychological needs and conditions of foodserviceindustry workers would be helpful for the organizations and management to allow them to react properly and effectively. Previous research indicates that careercommitment is the factor which most affects turnover rate. Researchers have discussed numerous motivation factors affecting careercommitment, but they have not examined the relative contributions of self-system, i.e. individuals exercising control over their thoughts, feelings and actions. Among the beliefs with which an individual evaluates the control s/he has over his/her actions and environment, self-efficacy beliefs are the most influential arbiter of human activity. This empirical study examines the relationship between self-efficacy and careercommitment in the foodservice sector. ANOVA of survey data from 1025 foodserviceemployees supported the relationship between self-efficacy and careercommitment. A chi-square test found that high self-efficacy degrees indicate a higher level of careercommitment. Our findings suggest that the higher an employees’ self-efficacy, the higher their careercommitment will be. 相較於其他產業的工作,餐飲服務業是屬於低報酬率但高心理壓力性質之工作。然而優質的餐飲服務中,「人」這項因素是不可或缺的。面對高流動率,深入了解餐飲服務人員之心理需求狀況,有助於產業界做有效之面對與因應。先前研究顯示,生涯承諾對於離職率具有重要的影響力。已有研究探討過動機性因素對於生涯承諾的影響,但目前較少研究對於自我系統的探討,如:信念、感情與行動。個人信念對行為的影響勝過於行動與環境,而自我效能則是對於行為影響最大的因子。本研究依據自我效能理論,探討自我效能對於生涯承諾的影響。依員工之自我效能高低劃分為二群,對生涯承諾之影響做一驗證與探討,以期望能有效的降低餐飲服務從業人員之流失率。研究主要針對大台北地區國際觀光旅館之餐飲服務從業人員,採分層比例抽樣,共抽取有效樣本1025份,並以ANOVA、迴歸以及卡方分析做資料分析。故實務界應了解員工自我效能的狀況,依此來訂定一些相關的激勵方向、工作方針與流程的再設計,除了可找到值得進一步培訓養成之員工,亦可有效降低員工的流失率。
關鍵字 Careercommitment; Self-efficacy; Foodserviceindustry; Motivation; Work identification
語言 en
ISSN 0278-4319
期刊性質 國外
收錄於 SSCI
通訊作者 Niu, Han-jen
國別 GBR
出版型式 紙本

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