學年 101
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2012-08-01
作品名稱 視障手機系統之研發(I)
作品名稱(其他語言) Development of Mobile Phone System for the VI Sually Impaired
著者 葉豐輝; 蔡慧駿
單位 淡江大學機械與機電工程學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC100-2221-E032-001
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 Computer assistive technology, speech technology, information and communications technology will be apply to develop mobile phone system for the visually impaired in this project. The objective will focus on developing smart mobile phone system for the blind based on the visually impaired user interface. It will be solved that blind people can’t enjoy convenience from rapid development of the smart phone features in these days. This project can not only help visually impaired people to use cell phone functions to communicate with others just like normal people, but also help them to reduce digital divide to enjoy online search for information though mobile network at anytime and anywhere, such as bus arrival time information, downloading and reading of e-books, and the current location and nearby store information though Global Positioning System (GPS) on the phone. The visually impaired people have been looking forward to all the above functions. This study is proposed to be accomplished in two years. In the first year, this project will focus on the design and development of windows mobile phone system for visually impaired. The inconvenience of current smart phone for blind people will be studied, and then a better visually impaired user interface integrated speech synthesis will be designed. The features of the mobile phone system will include barrier-free interface operations of basic phone communication functions, mobile Internet online searching for life information, e-books, multimedia playback, Internet radio, GPS positioning and nearby store information. Besides, the Braille input interface for the visually impaired on smart cell phone will be designed to input Chinese and English characters. In the first year, this project will focus on the design and development of Google Android mobile phone system for visually impaired. The features of the mobile phone system will include visually impaired user design on Android system, integrating both Chinese and English speech synthesis, and using speech recognition and cloud computing to make a voice-activated phone. At the end, the Google Android mobile phone system will be tested by the visually impaired people to make the smart phone more practical for the blind. The results of this project will be the first mobile phone system designed for the visually impaired in our country. The effects will enable the smart phones to be the information and communication aids for the blind to facilitate operations. The project results will not only significantly improve the convenience of their life, reducing digital divide, and creating a better communication environment, but also meet their requirements to enjoy Internet resources at any time and increase learning and employment opportunities. Thereby, this project will be great benefit to get better quality of information and communication environment for the visually impaired people. 本計畫乃利用電腦輔助科技、語音技術及資通訊技術研發視障手機系統,目標著重於開發出符合 視障者操作介面之智慧型視障手機系統,以解決視障者無法和一般明眼人一樣享受目前智慧型手機迅 速發展所帶來生活的方便性。本計畫除了可協助視障者使用手機各種通訊功能與人無障礙的溝通問題 外,亦能協助他們縮短數位落差,享受隨時隨地手機上網查詢資訊,如公車到站時刻資訊和電子書下 載閱讀等,以及透過手機全球定位系統(GPS)查詢目前位置和附近商家資訊,都是視障者非常期待需 要的功能。 計畫將分為兩年兩階段進行,第一年度著重於Windows Mobile 視障手機系統設計開發,經由研 究目前智慧型手機在操作上對視障者的障礙,設計將朝方便視障者操作習慣之介面開發,以及語音合 成報讀輔助功能,包含手機基本通訊功能、手機上網查詢功能、電子書閱讀、多媒體播放、網路廣播、 GPS 定位及附近商家查詢等功能,此外,亦包含視障輸入介面設計,設計適合視障者使用之視障手機 點字輸入系統,以方便輸入中英文字。 第二年度著重於Google Android 視障手機系統設計開發,包括Android 手機視障操作介面設計, 中英文語音合成報讀、雲端計算語音辨識聲控手機整合設計,以及個人化設計,可讓每位視障者設定 符合自己操作習慣之設定,並持續開發Android 手機各項功能之無障礙介面設計。最後所研發出之視 障手機系統亦將經由視障者的測試,使得視障手機系統更加實用。 本計畫之研究成果,將是國內首先專為視障者所設計研發之視障手機系統,讓智慧型手機符合視 障者方便操作之視障資通訊輔具,不僅可大幅提昇視障者生活便利性與縮短數位落差,創造更好的溝 通環境,亦可滿足視障同胞隨時無障礙享有網路各種資源,增加學習及就業機會,故本計畫對於視障 者生活環境資通訊之優質化將有莫大的助益。
關鍵字 Visually Impaired; Mobile Phone; Assistive Technology; Speech Technology; Information and Communications Technology; Global Positioning System
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/77093 )
