學年 100
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2011-08-01
作品名稱 從制度理論觀點探討組織採用綠色資訊科技之意圖
作品名稱(其他語言) Predicting Intention to Adopt Green It from Institutional Perspective
著者 施盛寶; 陳鴻基
單位 淡江大學資訊管理學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC100-2410-H032-015
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 Over the last decade, more and more businesses are undertaking initiatives to reduce their environmental footprint and improve their “green” credentials. As information technology (IT) has permeated most, if not all, business processes and supply chains, it offers an important means to deal with the climate problem. Therefore, green IT has become one of the latest considerations to improve a business’s environmental sustainability and competitive advantage. Drawing on this issue, this article examines how institutional pressures affect the adoption of green IT across organizations. A model is proposed from an integration of traditional IT adoption model with institutional perspective (DiMaggio and Powell 1983) to study green IT adoption phenomena. We not only examine the main effects of green IT context and green IT readiness on the intention to adopt green IT, but the moderating effects of mimetic and coercive pressures driving green IT adoption intention. Such interactions with green IT context and green IT readiness motivate the green IT adoption intention. These findings contribute to existing knowledge on the environmental behaviors of organizations, demonstrate the interaction between institutional forces with green IT context and green IT readiness, and provide further understandings of green IT adoption. The proposal concludes with implications for research and practice. 一直以來,越來越多的企業面臨必須降低營運對環境破壞所產生的影響,因此, 供應鍵上的產業夥伴利用資訊科技來處理與建立企業的環境保育責任已是必然趨勢,綠 色資訊科技採用已然成為企業增加永續經營與競爭優勢的重要考量。著眼於此,本研究 結合過去重要的資訊科技採用文獻,從制度理論的觀點出發,提出一研究模式,來探究 制度的壓力如何影響組織綠色資訊科技的採用意願。一方面,我們了解綠色資訊科技的 產業環境與綠色資訊科技準備度對組織綠色資訊科技的採用意願影響,另外一方面,我 們進一步探討模仿與強制的壓力對上述兩者關係的調節效果。本研究的研究成果,可以 讓研究者深刻明白組織面對環保意識抬頭的處理行為,同時了解模仿的壓力與強制的壓 力對組織採用綠色資訊科技意願的調節效果,此外,對台灣產業採用綠色資訊科技的現 況也能進一步的認識;相關的研究與實務意涵皆有在本計劃中說明。
關鍵字 Green IT; Technology adoption; institutional theory; mimetic pressure; coercive pressure
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/76359 )
