學年 97
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2009-01-01
作品名稱 應用於室內自然環境且可與人自然溝通之居家服務機器人-子計畫四:居家服務機器人之自然溝通與智慧行為之設計與實現
作品名稱(其他語言) Design and Implementation of Nature Communication and Intelligent Behavior for Home Service Robots
著者 翁慶昌
單位 淡江大學電機工程學系
描述 研究期間:200908~201007 研究經費:788,000 計畫編號:NSC98-2221-E032-038
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 本計畫之主要目的在於設計開發居家服務機器人之自然溝通與智慧行為策略。在計畫的第一年與 第二年,本計畫擬依序研發可以完成世界盃機器人競賽RoboCup@Home 所指定的基礎競賽項目與進 階競賽項目之居家服務機器人,以機構設計、電路設計、移動控制、語音控制、與智慧行為策略及環 境模擬為5 大研究方向,並與其他子計畫整合來讓所設計實現的居家服務機器人可以有效完成 RoboCup@Home 所指定的基礎競賽項目與進階競賽項目。在計畫的第三年,本計畫擬研發可以應用 於華人社會環境之居家服務機器人,使之能以華語溝通,並且陪伴照顧幼童、老人或身心殘障者。本 計畫擬用三年的時間,以穩定且循序漸近的方式與其他子計畫整合完成一台可以使用自然語言方式溝 通的居家服務機器人,三年的規劃概述如下: 在計畫的第一年,本計畫的研究主題為居家服務機器人之三輪全方位移動平台設計及基礎智慧行 為策略設計,擬完成一台具有基礎智慧功能的居家服務機器人。在機構設計方面,擬設計一個可以承 受100 公斤重量的三輪全方位移動底盤;在電路設計方面,擬設計一個穩定的三輪全方位移動驅動系 統與感測電路系統;在移動控制方面,擬設計一個可FPGA 硬體電路實現之全方位移動控制器,使機 器人能穩健的全方位移動;在語音控制方面,擬設計一套可以快速辨識語音的語音控制介面;在智慧 行為及環境模擬方面,擬依據RoboCup@Home 所指定的基礎競賽項目來設計一個可以快速決定機器 人的行為動作的策略介面,並依據以往的開發經驗建立一個環境模擬介面,將各子計畫間溝通的環境 資訊進行收集與整合分析,此介面將可以減少整合開發的時間。 在計畫的第二年,本子計畫的研究主題為居家服務機器人之可擴充式上架平台設計及進階智慧行 為策略設計,擬完成一台具有進階智慧功能的居家服務機器人。在機構設計方面,擬設計一個可以組 合成一台具有機械手臂及全方位移動的可擴充式上架平台;在電路設計方面,擬設計一個穩定的電源 管制與監控硬體系統;在移動控制方面,擬設計一個可FPGA 硬體電路實現之模糊全方位移動控制 器,讓機器人的移動與轉動效果更加平順;在語音控制方面,擬整合模糊分類來設計一套可以快速且 正確辨識語音的語音控制介面;在智慧行為及環境模擬方面,擬依據RoboCup@Home 所指定的進階 競賽項目來設計一個可以快速決定更複雜行為動作的策略介面,並且加入虛擬的雜訊輸入來增加策略 系統的強健性。 在計畫的第三年,本子計畫的研究主題為居家服務機器人之華人或台灣居家環境應用設計及智慧 行為策略設計。在機構設計方面,擬設計一個具有懸吊系統的全方位移動底盤,讓機器人在起伏的地 面亦能夠順利的全方位移動;在電路設計方面,擬設計一個穩定的配電與充電硬體電路系統,增加機 器人耐用性與實用性;在運動控制方面,擬整合粒子群最佳化學習架構來設計一個可FPGA 硬體電路 實現之模糊全方位移動控制器,其可以學習各種不同材質的地面所需的轉動參數來加強機器人移動的 穩定度;在語音控制方面,擬針對華語與應用類神經網路來設計一套可以快速學習不同聲音及語調的 人說話的語音控制介面,增加語音應用的廣泛度;在智慧行為及環境模擬方面,擬設計一個具有機器 人合作行為、照顧服務、與共同遊戲策略的策略介面,讓機器人可以實際應用於華人或台灣居家環境 的日常生活中。 The main purpose of this project is to design and implement a home service robot with the abilities of natural communication and intelligent behavior with human being. The implemented home service robot can successfully accomplish the basic-stage and advanced-stage competitions of RoboCup@Home league in the first year and second year, respectively. There are five design topics: the mechanism design, the circuit design, the motion control design, the speech control design, and the intelligent behavior strategy and environment simulation. The proposed design methods will be integrated with that of the other three subprojects to implement a home service robot so that it can accomplish the competition topics of the RoboCup@Home league. In the third year, the implemented home service robot can communicate with human being in Chinese language and accompany with the children and elder person. This project is organized three years. They are described as follows: In the first year, the purpose is to implement a home service robot with a three-wheeled omni-directional mobile home robot and some intelligent behavior strategies to accomplish the basic-stage competition of RoboCup@Home. At the mechanism design, a three-wheeled omni-directional chassis which can support 100 kg weight is proposed. At the circuit design, a stable circuit for the drivers and sensors of the three-wheeled home service robot is proposed. At the motion control design, a hardware motion control structure for the three-wheeled omni-directional mobile robot designed and implemented in a FPGA chip is proposed. At the speech control design, a faster speech recognition system is implemented so that the robot can natural communicate with human being. At the intelligent strategy and environment simulation, some intelligent behavior strategies to accomplish the basic-stage competition of RoboCup@Home are proposed. Furthermore, a human-machine interface will be design and implemented so that the motion design and simulation of the home service robot can be kind and easy. A simulation interface is designed so that the user can see the motion behavior easily and solve the problem quickly in designing the home service robot. In the second year, the purpose is to implement a home service robot with an extensible frame mechanism and some intelligent behavior strategies to accomplish the advanced-stage competition of RoboCup@Home. At the mechanism design, an extensible frame mechanism which can compose of the other subprojects is proposed. At the circuit design, a powerful power monitor and controller is proposed. At the motion control design, a three-input and two-output omni-directional fuzzy motion controller is proposed so that the three-wheeled omni-directional mobile robot can effectively and smoothly move toward any direction. At the speech control design, a fuzzy classify module is proposed so that the speech recognition can be more correct and faster. At the intelligent strategy and environment simulation, some intelligent behavior strategies to accomplish the advanced-stage competition of RoboCup@Home are proposed. Furthermore, a noise simulation interface is designed. In the third year, the purpose is to implement a home service robot which can communicate with human being in Chinese language and accompany with the children and elder person. At the mechanism design, a suspension system in chassis which can avoid shaken when the robot moves at an uneven floor is proposed. At the circuit design, a useful cell charge system is proposed to increase its enduring and practical quality. At the motion control design, a particle swarm optimization algorithm is applied to modify the fuzzy controller so that the home service robot can quickly adapt the floor with different material. At the speech control design, a neural network learning module is proposed to increase the correct recognition rate and a Chinese speech recognition is implemented so that the home service robot can service in Chinese society. At the intelligent strategy and environment simulation, a multi-robot corporate strategy is proposed so that the robot can service together.
關鍵字 居家服務機器人; 全方位移動機器人; SOPC設計; 自然語音溝通; 智慧行為策略; Home service robot; Omni-directional mobile robot; SOPC design; Natural language communication; Intelligent behavior strategy

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/47082 )
