
教師資料查詢 | 單位:資工系

# 學年期 類別 教師 名稱
20941 94-1 學術演講 王英宏 教授 淡江大學資訊工程系 從『國內科技業愛用印度人』報導探討軟體工程師的基本功
20942 92-1 學術演講 王英宏 教授 八德扶輪社 The Classifications, Integration, and Application of Enterprise on Wireless Communication
20943 92-1 學術演講 王英宏 教授 桃園八德扶輪社 無線通訊網路的種類、整合與企業應用
20944 91-2 學術演講 王英宏 教授 日本會津大學 Link Grammar Applying to Web Technology for e-Learning
20945 91-1 學術演講 王英宏 教授 中央大學資訊工程系 Spatial Relationship Model for Icon Image Representation and Similarity Retrieval
20946 91-1 學術演講 王英宏 教授 交通大學資訊工程系 Spatial Relationship Model for Icon Image Representation and Similarity Retrieval
20947 90-2 學術演講 王英宏 教授 新埔技術學院資訊工程系 Software Quality and Object-Oriented Programming
20948 90-1 學術演講 王英宏 教授 元智大學電機工程系碩士在職班 A Spatial Representation Model and Similarity Retrieval of Icon Images
20949 90-1 學術演講 王英宏 教授 東吳大學資訊科學系 A Spatial Representation Model and Similarity Retrieval of Icon Images
20950 89-2 學術演講 王英宏 教授 國立交通大學資訊工程系 An English Distance Learning System based on Linked Grammar
20951 88-2 學術演講 王英宏 教授 國立清華大學資訊工程系 An Intelligent Mobile Agent Model for Distributed Multimedia Synchronication
20952 95-1 學術演講 陳瑞發 副教授 德明技術學院 同儕網路對電子遊戲的發展與影響
20953 97-1 學術演講 施國琛 教授 The International IEEE Information Technology Symposium 2008 (IEEE ITSIM’ 08) Keynote Speech, Distance Education Technologies – Trends and Directions
20954 96-1 學術演講 施國琛 教授 The Asia-Pacific Workshop on Visual Information Processing 2007 (VIP 2007) Keynote Speech, Video Inpainting
20955 96-1 學術演講 施國琛 教授 The Fourth Workshop on Grid Technologies and Applications (WoGTA’07) Keynote Speech, Ubiquitous e-Learning with SCORM
20956 96-1 學術演講 施國琛 教授 The First International Symposium on Information Technologies and Applications in Education (ISITAE) Keynote Speech, Ubiquitous e-Learning with SCORM
20957 96-1 學術演講 施國琛 教授 ACM Multimedia 2007 Tutorial Speaker, Digital Inpainting
20958 96-1 學術演講 施國琛 教授 Special ICWL Workshop in Zhejiang Normal University Invited Talk, “Ubiquitous e-Learning with SCORM,”
20959 95-2 學術演講 施國琛 教授 Forum on Future Computing (FFC) – Transparent Computing and Active Services Invited Talk, “Digital Inpainting,”
20960 95-2 學術演講 施國琛 教授 The 2006 Greater China Database Research Summit Invited Speaker, “e-Learning Database based on SCORM and CORDRA,”
20961 95-2 學術演講 施國琛 教授 The 26 Years International Federation for Systems Research (IFSR) Keynote Speech, Distance Education Technologies for a New Virtual University Agora
20962 95-2 學術演講 施國琛 教授 The 2007 International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (MUE'2007) Keynote Speech, Video Inpainting
20963 95-2 學術演講 施國琛 教授 The First International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication Tutorial Speaker, Digital Inpainting
20964 95-1 學術演講 施國琛 教授 The 2007 IASTED International Conference on Graphics and Visualization in Engineering (GVE 2007) Keynote Speech, Digital Inpainting
20965 95-1 學術演講 施國琛 教授 The 2006 International Workshop on Advanced Multimedia Technology and Applications (AMTA2006) Keynote Speech, Digital Inpainting
20966 95-1 學術演講 施國琛 教授 The 7th International Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Tutorial Speaker, Digital Inpainting
20967 95-1 學術演講 施國琛 教授 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP06) Invited Talk, “Digital Inpainting,”
20968 95-1 學術演講 施國琛 教授 The 7th Annual Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM 2006) Tutorial Speaker, Digital Inpainting
20969 95-1 學術演講 施國琛 教授 The Fourth International Conference on Cooperative Internet Computing (CIC 2006) Keynote Speech, Ubiquitous e-Learning with SCORM
20970 95-1 學術演講 施國琛 教授 The 2nd International Open and Distance Learning (IODL) Symposium Keynote Speech, Ubiquitous e-Learning with SCORM