
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
097 / 1 Information transmission and market interactions across the Atlantic – an empirical study on the natural gas market 2017-01-13
098 / 2 Effects of Japanese intervention on yen/dollar exchange rate volatility: a conditional jump dynamics approach 2013-09-16
083 / 1 匯率動態之非線性分析 2010-06-16
098 / 1 Evidence on the contrarian trading in foreign exchange markets 2013-09-13
097 / 2 Price discovery in Taiwan’s foreign exchange market 2017-03-15
096 / 2 The euro and pound volatility dynamics: An investigation from conditional jump process 2017-04-27
095 / 1 元太與台北外匯市場門檻共整關係之分析 2012-05-30
100 / 1 Price discount, inventories and the distortion of WTI benchmark 2013-05-29
100 / 2 Heterogeneous behaviors and the effectiveness of central bank intervention in the yen/dollar exchange market 2013-03-06
101 / 1 台灣短期利率指標之研究 2015-04-23
082 / 1 新臺幣美元匯率決定模型--Monetarv Approach與Portfolio Balance Approach的應用 2013-04-11
099 / 2 新台幣美元外匯市場價格發現之研究 2015-06-15
091 / 2 STATA 8 的使用與功能介紹 2013-04-11
097 / 1 不對稱歐肯法則之臺灣實證 2013-04-11
102 / 2 臺灣之利率轉嫁分析 2016-11-11
103 / 1 Unemployment and participation rates? Revisiting the US data 2017-10-23
103 / 2 Nonlinear Oil Price Dynamics and the Impact of Heterogeneous Agents 2017-08-29
104 / 1 利率期限結構與貨幣政策:台灣的實證分析 2018-08-21
104 / 1 Interactions between oil and financial markets - Do conditions of financial stress matter? 2017-01-16
106 / 2 台灣勞動市場附加工作者效果與怯志工作者效果之分析 2019-08-28
108 / 2 臺灣貨幣政策慣性之分析 #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 2021-07-07
112 / 2 Bank Risk-Taking and Monetary Policy: Empirical Results for Taiwan #04.優質教育 2024-05-31