
教師資料查詢 | 教師:李明憲

# 學年期 類別 標題
61 111-2 教學計畫表 機械系精密一:普通物理實驗 TEBBB1S0291 0A
62 111-1 遠距課程紀錄 物理系應物四:計算材料 TSPBB4S0399 0A
63 111-1 教學計畫表 物理系應物四:計算材料 TSPBB4S0399 0A
64 111-1 教學計畫表 尖端材料三:電腦模擬 TSAXB3M0366 0A
65 111-1 教學計畫表 榮譽學程:能源解密 TGCHB0T2644 0A
66 111-1 教學計畫表 物理系光電三:量子物理 TSPCB3S0312 1A
67 110-1 期刊論文 Excitonic effect in black phosphorus oxides
68 110-1 期刊論文 Distinctive modulation of optical anisotropy by halogens in alpha/beta-Cd-P-X (X = Cl, Br, and I)
69 110-2 教學研習 iClass 學習平台「遠距教學因應工作坊」(第一梯)(2022-05-26 14:10:00 ~ 16:00:00)
70 110-2 非教學研習 111年 淡江物理專題暨預研生說明會(2022-03-28 17:00:00 ~ 19:00:00)
71 110-2 教學研習 勇敢追夢‧ 女科技人 (化學系退休教授高惠春、土木系副教授范素玲)(2022-03-10 14:00:00 ~ 16:00:00)
72 110-2 非教學研習 從女科技人生命故事談女力永續 (大傳系王慰慈教授)(2022-03-09 14:00:00 ~ 16:00:00)
73 110-2 教學計畫表 自然科學學門:科技的原理 TNUUB0S0748 0A
74 110-2 教學計畫表 自然科學學門:性別與科學 TNUUB0S1025 0A
75 110-2 教學計畫表 全球科技學門:科技進化 TNUZB0S0927 0A
76 110-2 教學計畫表 全球科技學門:地球生態環境 TNUZB0S0920 0B
77 110-2 教學計畫表 機械系精密一:普通物理實驗 TEBBB1S0291 0A
78 110-1 教學研習 「數位教學知多少」:錄製非同步教學影片及剪輯入門(威力導演快速上手)(2021-12-17 12:00:00 ~ 15:30:00)
79 110-1 研究獎勵 Infrared Nonlinear Optical Polymorphs α- and β-SrCu2SnS4 Exhibiting Large Second Harmonic Generation Responses with Requisite Phase-Matching Behavior
80 110-1 研究獎勵 From silicates to oxonitridosilicates: improving optical anisotropy for phase-matching as ultraviolet nonlinear optical materials
81 110-1 研究獎勵 One-Dimensional Double Chains in Sodium-Based Quaternary Chalcogenides Displaying Intriguing Red Emission and Large Optical Anisotropy
82 110-1 研究獎勵 Synthesis of G-La2Si2O7:Eu2+ phosphors by addition of AlF3: Experimental and theoretical analysis
83 110-1 研究獎勵 A3BBi(P2O7)2 (A = Rb, Cs; B = Pb, Ba): Isovalent Cation Substitution to Sustain Large Second-Harmonic Generation Responses
84 110-1 研究獎勵 Two Pyrophosphates with Large Birefringences and Second-Harmonic Responses as Ultraviolet Nonlinear Optical Materials
85 110-1 研究獎勵 Finding Optimal Mid-Infrared Nonlinear Optical Materials in Germanates by First-Principles High-Throughput Screening and Experimental Verification
86 110-1 研究獎勵 A2BBi2(PO4)2(P2O7) (A = K, Rb, B = Pb, Cd): the Effect of Cation Sizes on Structural Evolution
87 110-1 研究獎勵 First-Principles High-Throughput Screening Pipeline for Nonlinear Optical Materials: Application to Borates
88 110-1 研究獎勵 Different mechanism of response of asymmetric lone pair electrons around ns2 cations to birefringence and second harmonic generation
89 110-1 研究獎勵 Tellurium-oxygen group enhanced birefringence in tellurium phosphates: a first-principles investigation
90 110-1 研究獎勵 Effects of P2O7 clusters arrangement on second harmonic generation responses of pyrophosphates