
教師資料查詢 | 教師:李明憲

# 學年期 類別 標題
31 112-1 研究獎勵 Exploring the Stability of Single-Atom Catalysts Using the Density Functional Theory-Based Global Optimization Method: H2 Formation on VOx/γ-Al2O3(100)
32 112-1 研究獎勵 First-principles study of the influence of lone pair electrons and molecular groups on the birefringence of phosphate and fluorophosphate
33 112-1 研究獎勵 Two Metal Phosphate Nonlinear Optical Materials Simultaneously Exhibiting Ultraviolet Transparence and a Large Birefringence
34 112-2 教學計畫表 自然科學學門:性別與科學 TNUUB0S1025 0A
35 112-2 教學計畫表 全球科技學門:科技進化 TNUZB0S0927 0A
36 112-2 教學計畫表 物理系應物三:凝態物理概論 TSPBB3S0869 0A
37 112-2 教學計畫表 物理系光電一:基礎物理數學 TSPCB1S0043 0A
38 112-2 教學計畫表 物理系應物三:應用電子學實驗 TSPBB3S0472 2A
39 112-1 教學計畫表 尖端材料三:電腦模擬 TSAXB3M0366 0A
40 112-1 教學計畫表 榮譽學程:能源解密 TGCHB0T2644 0A
41 112-1 教學計畫表 物理一碩士班:光電材料模擬 TSPXM1S0771 0A
42 112-1 教學計畫表 榮譽專業-理:科學論文導讀 TGSHB0S0909 0A
43 111-1 研究獎勵 Distinctive modulation of optical anisotropy by halogens in alpha/beta-Cd-P-X (X = Cl, Br, and I)
44 111-1 研究獎勵 K8Cd21Pb7(P2O7)16 and KCd2P3O10: Two new phosphates featuring special structure configurations
45 111-1 研究獎勵 Photoelectric properties of Sr2MgSi2O7: Eu2+ phosphors produced by co-precipitation method
46 111-1 研究獎勵 Excitonic effect in black phosphorus oxides
47 111-1 研究獎勵 Different mechanism of stereochemical activity and birefringence in post-transition metal halides:A first-principles investigation
48 110-2 期刊論文 Exploring the Stability of Single-Atom Catalysts Using the Density Functional Theory-Based Global Optimization Method: H2 Formation on VOx/γ-Al2O3(100)
49 110-1 期刊論文 A first-principle investigate about the different response of birefringence and SHG from AB(3)O(6) (A = Bi, Sb) compounds
50 111-1 期刊論文 Growth, Structure, and Optical Properties of a Nonlinear Optical Niobium Borate Crystal CsNbOB2O5 with Distorted NbO5 Square Pyramids
51 111-1 期刊論文 Enhanced solar-driven hydrogen evolution over ultrathin g-C3N4/ReSe2 heterojunction-like nanosheets with surface selenium vacancies
52 111-1 期刊論文 Bridging oxygen atoms in trigonal prism units driven strong second-harmonic-generation efficiency in Sr3Ge2O4Te3
53 110-2 期刊論文 Two Metal Phosphate Nonlinear Optical Materials Simultaneously Exhibiting Ultraviolet Transparence and a Large Birefringence
54 110-2 期刊論文 Finding the First Squarates Nonlinear OpticalCrystal NaHC4O4 center dot H2O with Strong SecondHarmonic Generation and Giant Birefringence
55 110-2 期刊論文 First-principles study of the influence of lone pair electrons and molecular groups on the birefringence of phosphate and fluorophosphate
56 110-2 期刊論文 First-Principles Investigation About Different Sequence of Stereochemical Activity and Birefringence in Antimony Halides
57 110-2 期刊論文 A Theoretical Perspective to Study the Optical Properties of Tetrafluoroborates
58 111-2 教學計畫表 自然科學學門:性別與科學 TNUUB0S1025 0A
59 111-2 教學計畫表 全球科技學門:地球生態環境 TNUZB0S0920 0B
60 111-2 教學計畫表 物理系光電三:量子物理 TSPCB3S0312 2A