
教師資料查詢 | 學年期:105 / 1

# 教師動態
1333 企管系 楊立人 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 Validating a model for assessing the association among green innovation, project success and firm benefit , [105-1]
1345 數學系 楊定揮 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 Travelling wave solutions for Kolmogorov-type delayed lattice reaction–diffusion systems , [105-1]
1342 物理系 周子聰 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 Mechanical Properties of an Intrinsically Curved Semiflexible Biopolymer in Two Dimensions , [105-1]
1326 教設系 陳國華 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 Towards the Creation of Wiser Futures: Sino-Africa Relations and Futures of African Development , [105-1]
1331 資工系 蔣璿東 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 A Context-Aware, Interactive M-Health System for Diabetics , [105-1]
1330 化學系 陳曜鴻 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 N-Glycosylation of Human R-Spondin 1 Is Required for Efficient Secretion and Stability but Not for Its Heparin Binding Ability , [105-1]
1337 電機系 丘建青 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 MIMO-UWB Smart Antenna Communication Characteristics for Different Antenna Arrays of Transmitters , [105-1]
1348 電機系 丘建青 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 Comparison of Different Antenna Arrays for the BER Reduction in Indoor Wireless Communication , [105-1]
1341 數學系 郭忠勝 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 On a free boundary problem for the curvature flow with driving force , [105-1]
1344 資工系 潘孟鉉 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 Downlink Traffic Scheduling for LTE-A Small Cell Networks with Dual Connectivity Enhancement , [105-1]
1336 資工系 潘孟鉉 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 Fast Convergecast for Low-Duty-Cycled Multi-Channel Wireless Sensor Networks , [105-1]
1343 管科系 牛涵錚 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 Is innovation behavior congenital? Enhancing job satisfaction as a moderator , [105-1]
1321 物理系 莊程豪 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 Enhanced light–matter interaction of graphene–gold nanoparticle hybrid films for high-performance SERS detection , [105-1]
1327 電機系 李揚漢 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 Microwave Imaging for Half-space Imperfect Conductors , [105-1]
1332 水環系 李奇旺 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 Recovery of Fluoride as Perovskite-like Minerals from Industrial Wastewater , [105-1]
1346 水環系 李奇旺 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 Evaluating treatment options for wastewater generated from production of metal complex dyes , [105-1]
1347 電機系 江正雄 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 Directional prediction CamShift algorithm based on adaptive search pattern for moving object tracking , [105-1]
1325 資工系 顏淑惠 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 Direction Hole-Filling Method for a 3D View Generator , [105-1]
1329 企管系 張玉坤 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 Predicting Cancer Risks from Dental Computed Tomography , [105-1]
1323 化材系 何啟東 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 Performance Improvement on Distillate Flux of Countercurrent-Flow Direct Contact Membrane Distillation Systems , [105-1]
1338 化材系 何啟東 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 Heat Transfer Modeling of Conjugated Graetz Problem in Double-Pass Parallel-Plate Heat Exchangers under Asymmetric Wall Temperatures , [105-1]
1350 大陸所 郭建中 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 影響大國簽訂雙邊投資協定關鍵因素:政治壓力還是經濟利益 , [105-1]
1339 資工系 鄭建富 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Combine–TSP–Reduce Approach , [105-1]
1340 資工系 洪文斌 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 Cryptanalysis of Yeh et al.'s Security-Enhanced Remote User Authentication Scheme with Smart Cards , [105-1]
1322 電機系 蔡奇謚 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 Graphics processing unit-accelerated multi-resolution exhaustive search algorithm for real-time keypoint descriptor matching in high-dimensional spaces , [105-1]
1335 航太系 蕭富元 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 Real-time Target Determination and Tracking with An Airborne Video System , [105-1]
1334 數學系 温啟仲 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 Semiparametric analysis of incomplete current status outcome data under transformation models , [105-1]
1324 管科系 廖述賢 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 Mining marketing knowledge to explore social network sites and online purchase behaviors , [105-1]
1349 管科系 廖述賢 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 A rough set-based association rule approach implemented on exploring beverages product spectrum , [105-1]
1328 產經系 林俊宏 教授 研究獎勵 發佈 Happiness and Regional Segmentation: Does space matter? , [105-1]