
教師資料查詢 | 類別:會議論文

# 學年期 單位 教師 名稱
28621 64-1 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 A Study of Data Base on the Accounting Processing
28622 73-1 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 Experimental Design and Analysis of Using CAI to Teach English
28623 72-1 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 An Experiment and Survey On Using CAI to Teach English in Tamkang University
28624 81-1 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 CIIS-An Efficient Package for Obtaining Critical Items of Complex Systems
28625 76-1 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 The Development of Computer-Assisted Instruction in the Republic of China
28626 60-2 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 An Estimation Algorithm with Learning Feature for An Adaptive Bit Synchronizer
28627 73-1 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 The Simulation of An Integrated Inventory and Production Control
28628 65-1 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 A Study on Designing Chinese BASIC Language
28629 61-1 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 An adaptive Bit Synchronization Algorithm under Time-varying Environment
28630 74-1 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 he Design and Implementation of a Friendly Editing Environment
28631 75-1 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 An Automatic Inference Mechanism in Proving Some Properties of Mathematical Expressions
28632 74-1 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 An Automated Program Evaluator -- A Syntax-directed Approach
28633 81-1 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 An Efficient Method for Following the Contours of Bi-level Images
28634 70-1 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 The Preliminary Design of An Automated Chinese Land Administrative Information System-CLAIS
28635 80-2 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 Dynamic Adaptation of Competitive Technology Strategies under Information--Fuzzified Management of Technology
28636 68-1 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 An analysis of Digital Signal Processing for Three-dimensional Array Receiver
28637 88-1 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 A new methodology for software design based on software analysis model
28638 78-1 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 A Real-Time Model-Based Decision Support System for Solving Job Shop Scheduling Problem
28639 80-1 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 A Comparative Study of Dispatching Rules in An Assembly Shop
28640 77-1 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 The Design of An Intelligent Job Shop Scheduler
28641 79-2 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 A Prototype of An ICAI System -- Inferring Student Learning State with A Neural Network Approach
28642 77-1 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 An Intelligent Computer-Managed Instructional System
28643 77-1 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 An Abstract Curriculum Model for the Representation of Knowledge Descriptions
28644 67-2 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 A Study on Performance Evaluation for a Computer System Through Simulation
28645 71-1 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 On the Simulation of Designing a Moving Target Detector
28646 76-1 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 A Full Screen Editor with Graphic Support function -- Flowchar-Aided Design
28647 65-1 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 The History of OR/SA in China
28648 69-1 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 The Chinese Land-value Information System
28649 66-1 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 An Analysis of Detection Performance in the Presence of Jitter for Array Signal Processor
28650 66-1 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 An Analysis of Computer Utilization in Taiwan