
教師資料查詢 | 教師:李世鳴

# 學年期 類別 標題
155 96-1 會議論文 Experimental Study on the Characterization of Airflow Effect on the Direct Methanol Fuel Cell
156 95-2 會議論文 The Performance Analysis of a Portable Charger System Using Direct Methanol Fuel Cells
157 95-2 會議論文 The Effect of Cathode Airflow Control on the Direct Methanol Fuel Cell from Single Cell to a Planar Module
158 93-1 會議論文 Texas Tech University Building
159 83-1 會議論文 A three-dimensional ship flow analysis for a weigley hull
160 96-2 會議論文 A Novel Flow Design on the Planar Printed-Circuit-Board DMFC Modules
161 83-2 會議論文 以斜向上風法求解不可壓縮法問題
162 92-1 會議論文 Experimental and computational flow evaluation of a new trileaflet mechanical aortic valve
163 92-1 會議論文 The characteristics of surface pressures on the roof of a low-rise building
164 92-1 會議論文 The Thermal Management on the Radial VGA Heatsink
165 80-1 會議論文 Impinging jets in a square cavity
166 84-1 會議論文 A contravariant velocity-pressure formulation for a free surface ship flow over a HSVA hull
167 77-1 會議論文 A numerical technique for studying the transport of pollution particles
168 79-1 會議論文 Numerical predication of free surtace in a sloshing tank
169 97-2 會議論文 The Application of a Portable DMFCs stack with Fractal CURRENT COLLECTORS using Hilbert Geometry for a Charger System
170 97-1 會議論文 The Experimental Investigation of the Direct Methanol Fuel Cell with Hilbert Fractal Bipolar Plate
171 97-1 會議論文 A Study of the Effect of the Pre-treatment on the Direct Methanol Fuel Cell
172 77-1 會議論文 An assessment of various schemes on incompressible navier-stokes flow
173 85-1 會議論文 A three-dimensional numerical simulation of conjugate heat transfer in a corrugated fin-and-tube heat exchanger
174 78-1 會議論文 Flux-spline method for compressible navier-stokes flow at low mach number
175 85-2 會議論文 Numerical prediction of heat transfer in a slotted type of fin-and-tube conjugate heat exchangers
176 85-2 會議論文 Finite volume solution for immersed fin-body-projectile in a domain of three dimemesions
177 80-2 會議論文 An Evaluation of the Pressure Correction Equation Solvers for Predicting Unsteady Incompressible Fluid Flow
178 80-1 會議論文 在運動內燃機中的冷流場分析
179 98-1 會議論文 直接甲醇燃料電池堆之陽極流道與混合槽設計與分析
180 96-1 會議論文 直接甲醇燃料電池冷凝器受外在環境影響之集水效能探討
151 81-1 會議論文 A Family of Monotonicity Preserving High-order Skew Upwind Schemes
152 92-1 會議論文 馬達外風路之數值模擬
153 90-1 會議論文 高階準確對流算則在K-ε紊流模型上的應用
154 91-1 會議論文 高階準確對流算則在k-e紊流模型上的應用