
教師資料查詢 | 教師:何啟東

# 學年期 類別 標題
331 106-1 研究獎勵 Improvement in Device Performance of Power-Law Fluids in Double-pass Concentric Circular Heat Exchangers
332 106-1 研究獎勵 Heat Transfer Phenomena of Power-Law Fluids in Double-Pass Heat Exchangers with Isoflux Conditions
333 89-1 專書單篇 Zone Refining
334 106-2 教學研習 化工與材料精教學專業成長社群(三)(2018-04-24 12:00:00 ~ 17:00:00)
335 106-2 非教學研習 (106學年度第2學期)一級主管班-「無縫接軌在職與退休理財準備」課程(2018-05-18 09:30:00 ~ 12:00:00)
336 106-2 期刊論文 Co-cultivation of activated sludge and microalgae for the simultaneous enhancements of nitrogen-rich wastewater bioremediation and lipid production
337 106-2 期刊論文 Theoretical and experimental studies of CO2 absorption by the amine solvent system in parallel-plate membrane contactors
338 106-1 帶領學生參賽獲獎 106 第一學年度:羅宇麟(大四) 榮獲 2017 臺灣化學工程學會64週年年會暨科技部化學工程學門成果發表會 學生壁報論文競賽 佳作論文獎
339 106-2 期刊論文 Device Performance Improvement of Recycling Double-Pass Cross-Corrugated Solar Air Collectors
340 106-1 教學研習 化工與材料精教學專業成長社群(一)(2017-10-31 12:00:00 ~ 14:00:00)
341 106-2 教學計畫表 化材四:化學工程實驗(三) TEDXB4E2553 0B
342 106-2 教學計畫表 化材四:太陽能工程 TEDXB4E0091 0P
343 106-1 非教學研習 (106學年度第1學期)一級主管班「未來教育發展趨勢」課程(2017-12-22 09:10:00 ~ 11:30:00)
344 106-1 會議論文 改良型太陽能薄膜蒸餾系統之純水產量提升與成本最適化研究
345 106-1 會議論文 Theoretical and Experimental Studies of a Compact Double-Unit Air Gap Membrane Distillation Module
346 106-1 會議論文 The optimal design of the turbulence promoter in the desalination pretreatment system by using cross-flow microfiltration
347 106-1 會議論文 Modeling of Carbon Dioxide Absorption through a Gas-Liquid Membrane Contactor under Countercurrent-Flow Operations
348 106-1 會議論文 The Device Performance Improvement of Recycling W-Ribs Double-Pass Solar Air Collectors
349 105-1 會議論文 Solar Thermal Membrane Distillation for Seawater Desalination
350 106-1 期刊論文 Distillate flux enhancement in the air gap membrane distillation with inserting carbon-fiber spacers
351 106-1 期刊論文 The influences of recycle effect on double-pass V-corrugated solar air heaters
352 105-2 期刊論文 Investigation on the performance of hybrid anaerobic membrane bioreactors for fouling control and biogas production in palm oil mill effluent treatment
353 106-1 期刊論文 Treatment of Palm Oil Mill Effluent Using Combination System of Microbial Fuel Cell and Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor
354 106-1 期刊論文 Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation Study of a Novel Membrane Contactor for Simultaneous Carbon Dioxide Absorption and Stripping
355 105-2 期刊論文 Efficiency of recycling double-pass V-corrugated solar air collectors
356 105-2 期刊論文 CFD study of hybrid membrane contactors for absorption and stripping of carbon dioxide
357 100-1 論文指導 化材一碩士班 藍偉豪
358 100-1 論文指導 化材一碩士班 黃承皓
359 101-1 論文指導 化材一碩士班 林承毅
360 106-1 教學研習 (A01) iClass、 iSignal、Insight 工作坊 (1061011)(2017-10-11 14:00:00 ~ 16:00:00)