Minor Au element effects on phase transformation and tensile strength
學年 113
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2025-01-25
作品名稱 Minor Au element effects on phase transformation and tensile strength
著者 Wang, Yi-wun; Fang, Jang-cheng
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 169,  105991
摘要 Background SnBi is an attractive solder owing to its low cost and step-soldering capability. However, its ductility is lower than that of conventional solder such as SnAgCu. Addition of elements to SnBi can help improve its properties. Au is considered an effective way to improve the undercooling and tensile strength of SnBi. Methods In this study, a solder joint of Sn56Bi2Au/Cu is reflowed at 160 °C and then subjected to solid–solid reactions from 80 to 130 °C. Fracture morphologies indicate the Au addition increases the joint ductility and reliability. Significant Findings The addition of minor Au causes needle-type AuSn4 to disperse in the solder. The (Au,Cu)Sn formed at the interface during the 80 °C solid–solid reaction transforms to (Cu,Au)6Sn5 and Cu3Sn as the temperature increases to 100–130 °C. The formation of intermetallic compounds has a significant effect on the reliability. Au–Sn compounds are extremely important in light-emitting diodes, while Cu–Sn compounds are commonly used as connections for die-attached devices. The aim of this study is to investigate the phase transformations among AuSn, AuSn4, Cu6Sn5, and Cu3Sn. The effects of Au addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties are also investigated.
語言 en_US
ISSN 1876-1089
期刊性質 國外
收錄於 SCI
通訊作者 Yi-Wun Wang
國別 NLD
出版型式 ,電子版