Impulse oscillometry in patients with persistent post-COVID-19 symptoms: A retrospective study
學年 112
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2024-06-25
作品名稱 Impulse oscillometry in patients with persistent post-COVID-19 symptoms: A retrospective study
著者 Chen, Chun-min
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Health Sci Rep. 7(6), e2191
摘要 Introduction Impaired lung function has been observed in patients following COVID-19 infection, with studies reporting persistent lung volume and diffusing capacity impairments. Some studies have demonstrated significantly higher small airway resistance in COVID-19 positive cases. This retrospective study aims to examine impulse oscillometry (IOS) data of patients with persistent symptoms after COVID-19 infection, focusing on the relationship between time and symptoms. Material and Method The study analyzed data from adult patients with persistent symptoms who underwent IOS testing within and after 84 days from the diagnosis date. Result The results showed that patients within 84 days and those between 31 and 84 days had higher small airway resistance values, indicating peripheral airway disease. Patients with dyspnea exhibited higher IOS values compared to those with cough symptoms, suggesting more significant impairment in the peripheral airways. Conclusion The study highlights the importance of using comprehensive diagnostic tools like IOS to assess respiratory impairments in post-COVID-19 patients, particularly in the small airways. Understanding the relationship between time and symptoms can provide valuable insights for the treatment of peripheral airway dysfunction in post-COVID-19 patients.
關鍵字 COVID-19;impulse oscillometry;lung function;post-COVID-19 symptoms;small airways
語言 en
ISSN 2398-8835
期刊性質 國外
收錄於 ESCI
國別 GBR
出版型式 ,電子版