Exploring Shifts in the China-ASEAN-EU Strategic Triangle: A Chance for Hybrid Interregionalism?
學年 112
學期 1
發表日期 2023-11-17
作品名稱 Exploring Shifts in the China-ASEAN-EU Strategic Triangle: A Chance for Hybrid Interregionalism?
著者 Reinhard Biedermann
會議名稱 6th Wenzao European Forum: The Role of Taiwan in Europe-Asia Relations
會議地點 Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
摘要 When the European Union (EU) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) decided on a strategic partnership at the end of 2020, a set of triangular strategic relationships emerged between China, ASEAN, and the EU. A strategic partnership is some form of coordinated behaviour relevant to the third player. While actors aim to reduce the impact of a strategic alliance of the other two on themselves, they also try to affect the third actor when cooperating with their strategic partner. This paper assumes the EU and ASEAN agreed on a strategic partnership to alleviate China’s ASEAN clout and to prepare a shift from bilateralism (EU and single ASEAN Members) towards EU-ASEAN “Interregionalism Plus” concerning cooperation on trade and multidimensional regulatory convergence. ASEAN could benefit from this increasingly competitive situation, as both the EU and China perceive ASEAN as central (“ASEAN centrality”) and essential for their interests and goals in South East Asia and beyond embedded in the Indo-Pacific Strategies the EU and some of its Member States issued. This article traces the developments, shifts and critical junctures in the emerging China-ASEAN-EU strategic triangle in the last two decades based on agreements and quantitative and qualitative economic data and elaborates on whether an augmented collaboration between EU and ASEAN could help to facilitate hybrid interregionalism between the EU, ASEAN, and the advanced East Asian Economies such as Taiwan through the concept of connectivity with likeminded countries in the Indo-Pacific. As the EU and China want to reduce dependencies with each other, ASEAN becomes more attractive for both, which might contribute to hybrid interregionalism and a rules-based international order in the region, for which, however, the EU might have to agree on compromises concerning its sophisticated regulatory approach.
語言 en
會議性質 國內
研討會時間 20231117~20231117
國別 TWN

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/126195 )