General solution to the spectator-first Tantalizer problem | |
學年 | 109 |
學期 | 2 |
出版(發表)日期 | 2021-07-09 |
作品名稱 | General solution to the spectator-first Tantalizer problem |
作品名稱(其他語言) | |
著者 | Hsiao, Fu-yuen |
單位 | |
出版者 | |
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 | Discrete Mathematics 344(10), 112515 |
摘要 | This paper investigates a topic inspired by a magic trick called the “Tantalizer”, which is a card game resembling the well-known Josephus Problem. We study the spectator-first Tantalizer problem with a deck of n-cards and investigate which card is left in the end after a series of dealing operations. A formula and an algorithm with a running time complexity based on the binary form of n are proposed to solve this problem. |
關鍵字 | Tantalizer problem;Josephus problem;Card magic |
語言 | zh_TW |
ISSN | 1872-681X |
期刊性質 | 國內 |
收錄於 | SCI |
產學合作 | |
通訊作者 | |
審稿制度 | 否 |
國別 | TWN |
公開徵稿 | |
出版型式 | ,電子版 |
相關連結 |
機構典藏連結 ( ) |