Integrating artificial intelligence modeling and membrane technologies for advanced wastewater treatment: Research progress and future perspectives
學年 112
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2024-06-13
作品名稱 Integrating artificial intelligence modeling and membrane technologies for advanced wastewater treatment: Research progress and future perspectives
著者 Li, Chi-wang
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Science of The Total Environment 944, 173999
摘要 Membrane technologies have become proficient alternatives for advanced wastewater treatment, ensuring high contaminant removal and sustainable resource recovery. Despite significant progress, ongoing research efforts aim to further optimize treatment performance. Among the challenges faced, membrane fouling persists as a relevant obstacle in membrane technologies, necessitating the development of more effective mitigation strategies. Mathematical models, widely employed for predicting treatment performance, generally exhibit low accuracy and suffer from uncertainties due to the complex and variable nature of wastewater. To overcome these limitations, numerous studies have proposed artificial intelligence (AI) modeling to accurately predict membrane technologies' performance and fouling mechanisms. This approach aims to provide advanced simulations and predictions, thereby enhancing process control, optimization, and intensification. This literature review explores recent advancements in modeling membrane-based wastewater treatment processes through AI models. The analysis highlights the enormous potential of this research field in enhancing the efficiency of membrane technologies. The role of AI modeling in defining optimal operating conditions, developing effective strategies for membrane fouling mitigation, enhancing the performance of novel membrane-based technologies, and improving membrane fabrication techniques is discussed. These enhanced process optimization and control strategies driven by AI modeling ensure improved effluent quality, optimized resource consumption, and minimized operating costs. The potential contribution of this cutting-edge approach to a paradigm shift toward sustainable wastewater treatment is examined. Finally, this review outlines future perspectives, emphasizing the research challenges that require attention to overcome the current limitations hindering the integration of AI modeling in wastewater treatment plants.
關鍵字 Digital water;Fouling mitigation strategy;Machine learning;Smart technologies;Wastewater data analysis;Wastewater treatment automation
語言 en
ISSN 1879-1026
期刊性質 國外
收錄於 SCI
國別 GBR
出版型式 ,電子版
SDGS 潔淨水與衛生