Reviewing Advanced Treatment of Hydrocarbon Contaminated Oilfield Produced Water with Recovery of Lithium
學年 112
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2023-11-16
作品名稱 Reviewing Advanced Treatment of Hydrocarbon Contaminated Oilfield Produced Water with Recovery of Lithium
著者 Rabia Khatoon; Ratchaprapa Raksasat; Yeek Chia Ho; Jun Wei Lim; Khairulazhar Jumbri; Chii-Dong Ho; Yi Jing Chan; Eman Alaaeldin Abdelfattah; Kuan Shiong Khoo
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Sustainability 15, p.16016-16044
摘要 The global demand for lithium, which is indispensable for electric cars and electrical devices, has increased. Lithium recovery from oilfield-produced water is necessary to meet the growing need for lithium-ion batteries, protect the environment, optimize resource utilization, and cut costs to ensure a successful energy transition. It is useful for keeping water supplies in good condition, adhering to legal requirements, and making the most of technological advances. Oil and gas companies might see an increase in revenue gained through the lithium extraction from generated water due to the recouping of energy costs. Therefore, this review focuses on contamination and treatment strategies for the oilfield-produced water. It includes a discussion of the global lithium trade, a financial analysis of lithium extraction, and a comparison of the various methods currently in use for lithium extraction. It was evaluated that economic considerations should be given priority when selecting environmentally friendly methods for lithium recovery from oilfield-produced water, and hybrid methods, such as adsorption–precipitation systems, may show promising results in this regard. Lastly, future prospects for the lithium industry were also discussed.
關鍵字 global demand;lithium;oilfield-produced water;resource utilization;technological advances
語言 en
ISSN 2071-1050
期刊性質 國外
收錄於 SSCI Scopus
國別 CHE
出版型式 ,電子版

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SDGS 潔淨水與衛生,可負擔的潔淨能源