Energy harvesting analysis of the magneto-electric and fluid-structure interaction parametric excited system
學年 112
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2023-10-10
作品名稱 Energy harvesting analysis of the magneto-electric and fluid-structure interaction parametric excited system
著者 Wang, Yi-ren
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Journal of Sound and Vibration 569, 118087
摘要 This research proposes an innovative design of a fluid-solid coupling vibration energy harvesting system (VEH system) that includes a downstream waterwheel driven by the flow field, which, in turn, drives gears and connecting rods to rotate a wheel equipped with magnets to generate electricity by changing the magnetic field. A piezoelectric patch (PZT) is installed upstream of the pipeline with a magnet attached to it. The repulsive force between the magnet on the wheel and the magnet on the PZT generates additional force while also creating vibration through fluid-solid coupling of the pipeline. The study derives a theoretical model of the nonlinear vibrating beam and couples it with the piezoelectric and magneto-electric equations to simulate the vibration of the fixed-fixed elastic pipe. The method of multiple scales (MOMS), fixed points plots, phase plots, and Poincar´e maps are employed to verify the theoretically predicted parametric excitation properties of the system. The study uses the Biot-Savart Law to calculate the theoretical magnetic force and combines it with the fluid-conveying nonlinear beam and the PZT to create a magnetoelectric coupling fluid pipeline vibration energy harvesting model. The study conducts a simple experiment to verify the feasibility of the theoretical model and demonstrates that the repulsive force of the magnet significantly enhances the electric generation benefit of the system. Regardless of whether the PZT is located in the curved or flat area (straight part) of the nonlinear beam, the addition of magnets to the system significantly increases voltage generation efficiency by more than 190 % when compared to systems without magnets.
關鍵字 Vibration energy harvesting system;Fluid-structure interaction;Parametric excitation;Nonlinear vibration
語言 en_US
ISSN 1095-8568
期刊性質 國外
收錄於 SCI EI
通訊作者 Wang, Yi-ren
國別 GBR
出版型式 ,電子版

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