學年 108
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2020-06-30
作品名稱 深度討論教學法對國小學生閱讀理解與討論技巧影響之研究
作品名稱(其他語言) The Effects of Quality Talks on Reading Comprehension and Discussion Skills of Primary School Students
著者 梁鴻栩、蕭淑芬、陳昭珍、李純雅
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 圖書資訊學研究 14(2),頁35-74
摘要 Quality Talks has been proven to be a group discussion approach that helps improving student’s reading comprehension and enhancing critical thinking. However, cultural and language differences in context might influence the discussion and interaction in class. In most Asian countries, teachers are deemed as the main role in teaching knowledge. Students are accustomed to passive learning. They are less likely to actively asking questions. Sometimes students worry about teacher or peer’s judgment and are timid to ask questions in class. Moreover, most of the learning significantly relies on the textbook in Taiwan. There is a fixed schedule for each curriculum and examinations are applied to evaluate the learning achievement. Therefore, how to embed Quality Talk in the current education system, how to conduct Quality Talk in the classroom, and the acceptance and learning achievement of students who go through Quality Talk, are the research topics that worth studying. This research applied action research. The research subjects were the students in Chinese Language Class. Through the cyclic process of planning, action, observation, and reflection, the research aimed to develop the framework of Quality Talk in Chinese Language Class and learned the change of the question level and critical capacity among students. 「深度討論」(Quality Talks, 簡稱QT) 已在歐美國家被證明是可以有效促進學生閱讀理解和提升批判性思考能力的小組討論教學模式。亞洲國家向來強調教師傳道授業解惑的任務,教學主要以教科書為主,學校有一致的教學進度,並以考試成績決定學習成效,學生在課堂的發言較不踴躍,較不會主動思考,且怯於提問,因此深度討論教學法是否適用於台灣的中小學,是一值得進行之教學實證研究課題。本研究以國小六年級學生為實證對象,在課堂實施深度討論,並以言談分析法及問卷調查法,瞭解學生的閱讀理解程度及對深度討論教學的接受情形。
關鍵字 Chinese Language Course;Quality Talks;Questioning Skills;Reading Comprehension;Small Group Discussion;國語課;小組討論;批判思考;提問能力;深度討論;閱讀理解
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1990-9128
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/124481 )