A modified one stage multiple comparison procedure of exponential location parameters with the control under heteroscedasticity
學年 109
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2021-07-29
作品名稱 A modified one stage multiple comparison procedure of exponential location parameters with the control under heteroscedasticity
著者 Wu, Shu-fei
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 52(7), 2356-2364
摘要 In this paper, we present a modified one-stage multiple comparison procedure for exponential location parameters with the control under heteroscedasticity including one-sided and two-sided confidence intervals to improve the coverage probability and average confidence length than the old one. These intervals can be used to identify a subset which includes all no-worse-than-the-control treatments in an experimental design and to identify better-than-the-control, worse-than-the- control and not-much-different-from-the-control products in agriculture, stock market, pharmaceutical industries in terms of the minimum guarantee lifetimes. A simulation comparison is done for this modified procedure with the old one in terms of the confidence length and coverage probability. One example is given to demonstrate the proposed modified procedure.
關鍵字 One-stage procedure;Simulation;Ranking and selection: Multiple comparison procedures;with the control;Exponential distribution
語言 en
期刊性質 國外
收錄於 SCI
國別 GBR
出版型式 ,電子版

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