Critical Pre-Formation Decision Flowchart to Apply Tropical Cyclone Lifecycle Predictions in Eastern North Pacific
學年 111
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2023-03-24
作品名稱 Critical Pre-Formation Decision Flowchart to Apply Tropical Cyclone Lifecycle Predictions in Eastern North Pacific
著者 Elsberry, R.L.; Tsai, H.-C.; Capalbo, C.; Chin, W.-C.; Marchok, T.P.
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Atmosphere, 14, 616
摘要 We have previously demonstrated that the ECMWF ensemble (ECEPS) provides early forecasts not only of the Time-to-Tropical Storm (T2TS) and of the Time-to-Hurricane (T2HU), but also of the Time-Ending-Hurricane (TEHU) and Time-Ending-Tropical Storm (TETS) times and positions along those 15-day ECEPS track forecasts, which then provides an opportunity for high-wind warnings along the path during the entire lifecycle of these Hurricanes. The focus in this study is the Decision Flowchart that has been developed to assist the forecasters to select the pre-formation disturbance that is most likely to become the next Tropical Storm with the potential to become a Hurricane. The most crucial decision is to detect and eliminate any disturbance that likely originated from a precursor Caribbean false alarm circulation. Summaries of other steps in the Decision Flowchart “To Watch”, or to reject, other storm options in the twice-daily ECEPS forecasts are provided for Hurricanes Enrique and Felicia, and for strong Tropical Storm Guillermo and weak Tropical Storm Jimena. The first detections in the ECEPS forecasts for the Tropical Storms during the 2021 season averaged 6 days, 18 h in advance with a range of only 2 days, 6 h in advance for TS Terry to 9 days, 18 h in advance for TS Sandra.
關鍵字 tropical cyclone lifecycle predictions;tropical cyclone formation;ensemble model predictions;tropical cyclone medium-range track forecasting
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 2073-4433
期刊性質 國外
收錄於 SCI Scopus
通訊作者 Tsai, Hsiao-Chung
國別 CHE
出版型式 ,電子版

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SDGS 優質教育