NATO's 2022 Strategic Concept and Its Impact on Global Security
學年 111
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2022-09-01
作品名稱 NATO's 2022 Strategic Concept and Its Impact on Global Security
著者 Ming-hsien Wong
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Taiwan Strategists 15, p.1-21
摘要 The Russian invasion of Ukraine has revealed the importance of NATO's 2022 Strategic Concept and its contribution the Euro-Atlantic peace and security. This paper analyzes the three previous NATO strategic concepts and their different security concerns, the security environment and the means to response to such issues. In the past versions of the document, NATO first regarded the Soviet Union, and then non-traditional security threats, as the main challenges for NATO member-states; after Russia-Ukraine war, however, Moskva has emerged as the most significant and direct threat, while China is regarded as posing a systemic threat. How to prevent Russia-China strategic cooperation from upending the global security order will be the most important task for the U.S.-led Euro-Atlantic and Indo-Pacific partnership. This paper first examines NATO's three previous strategic documents: "The Alliance's New Strategic Concept" (1991), "The Alliance's Strategic Concept" (1999) and "Active Engagement, Modern Defence" (2010) in order to better understand the different factors that impacted Euro-Atlantic security. It then analyzes the origins and content of the "NATO 2022 strategic concept" how China and Russia to react to this new strategic concept. Lastly, the paper discusses the importance of the new strategic concept and future potential countermeasures from China and Russia. It also looks at how Taiwan can seize this juncture to enhance its connectivity with NATO.
關鍵字 NATO 2022 Strategic Concept;Global Security;Russia-Ukraine War;Russia;China
語言 en
ISSN 2663-6174
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,紙本

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