Two-Dimensional Conjugated Mass Transfer of Carbon Dioxide Absorption in a Hollow-Fiber Gas-Liquid Membrane Contactor
學年 111
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2022-10-20
作品名稱 Two-Dimensional Conjugated Mass Transfer of Carbon Dioxide Absorption in a Hollow-Fiber Gas-Liquid Membrane Contactor
著者 Chii-Dong Ho; Luke Chen; Chien-Chang Huang; Chien Hua Chen; Thiam Leng Chew; Yu-Han Chen
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Membranes 12, p.1021-1240
摘要 The absorption efficiencies of CO2 in hollow-fiber membrane contactors using an ethanolamine (MEA) solvent under both concurrent- and countercurrent-flow operations were investigated theoretically and experimentally. Two-dimensional mathematical modeling was developed by Happel’s free surface model, and the resultant partial differential equations were solved analytically using the separated variables method with the use of an orthogonal expansion technique. A simplified expression of Sherwood number variations was reported by employing the relevant operations conditions and expressed in terms of the computed eigenvalues for predicting concentration distribution and absorption efficiency. It is emphasized that, in comparing various fiber packing configurations, both theoretical predictions and experimental results should be compared to find the absorption flux increment accomplished by the CO2/N2 stream passing through the fiber cells under the same mass flow rate. The value of the present mathematical treatment is evident to propose a simplified expression of the averaged Sherwood number variations, and provides the predictions of the absorption flux, absorption efficiency, average Sherwood number with the absorbent Graetz number, inlet CO2 concentration, and absorbent flow rates as parameters. The availability of such concise expressions, as developed directly from the analytical formulations, is the value of the present study. The experiments of the CO2 absorption using MEA with alumina (Al2O3) hollow fiber membranes are also set up to confirm the accuracy of the theoretical predictions. The accuracy derivations between the experimental results and theoretical predictions for concurrent- and countercurrent-flow operations are 4.10×10−2≤E≤1.50×10−2 and 1.40×10−2≤E≤9.0×10−1 , respectively. The operations of the hollow-fiber membrane contactor implementing N = 7 fiber cells and N = 19 fiber cells offer an inexpensive method of improving absorption efficiency by increasing fiber numbers with consideration of device performance.
關鍵字 carbon dioxide absorption;MEA absorbent;hollow-fiber membrane contactor;conjugated Graetz problem;Sherwood number
語言 en_US
ISSN 2077-0375
期刊性質 國內
收錄於 SCI EI
國別 CHE
出版型式 ,電子版

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