2019 亞洲盃足球資格賽比賽表現分析 -以中華男子代表隊為例
學年 109
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2020-12-01
作品名稱 2019 亞洲盃足球資格賽比賽表現分析 -以中華男子代表隊為例
著者 陳昭安; 潘定均; 葉雅正; 林貴彬
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 政大體育研究 (27), 頁47-58
摘要 本研究目的為 2019 年亞洲盃足球資格賽中華隊前兩場主客場比賽(主場:中華隊對戰土庫曼;客場:新加坡對戰中華隊)進行分析,研究方法經由現場賽事錄影,事後利用Videobsever 分析軟體統一彙整及分析資料,記錄中華隊於比賽中之進球、失球、射門、射正、傳球、攔截、越位、角球、球門球、自由球、犯規及黃牌之相關事件數據,而將所得資料以描述性統計,針對兩場比賽之統計資料進行評估。經由兩場比賽之統整數據,在對戰土庫曼之比賽中華隊以 1 比 3 落敗,對戰新加坡之比賽中華隊以 2 比 1 取得勝利。比較二場比賽的技術表現,中華隊整體射門及射正均勝於土庫曼及新加坡,但三隊的射門把握度確成為獲勝晉級重要的一環。在對戰新加坡的比賽中,有高達 69 次的攔截傳球,搶斷的成功次數為贏得比賽的一個重要因子。在失球方面,對戰新加坡時之失球次數明顯低於對於土庫曼。由此可知,以及在對戰新加坡之數據不管為傳球失誤次數、失球次數以及攔截傳球次數之數據均優於對戰土庫曼。選手的各項技術表現的成功次數皆影響比賽結果。 The purpose of this study was to analyze match performance of Chinese Taipei men’s football team in the first two matches of 2019 Asian Cup Qualifying Games (Host: Chinese Taipei vs Turkmenistan; Away: Chinese Taipei vs Singapore). Technical and tactic performance included goals, losing ball, shooting, shooting on the target, passing, interception, offside, corner kick, goal kick, free kick, number of foul, and yellow card. Descriptive statistics was used to demonstrate the technical and tactic performance of Chinese Taipei. The results showed that Chinese Taipei was defeated to Turkmenistan at home game by 1-3 and won 2-1 to Singapore at away game. Chinese Taipei showed great number of shootings and shooting on the target to both teams. The match against Singapore showed 69 time of interception. It indicated that the great number of ball interception could be an essential factor to win a match. In terms of losing possession, Chinese Taipei showed lower number of ball losing in against Singapore than that in against Turkmenistan. Overall, the performance data such as losing possession, interception showed greater in the Singapore game. The technical and tactic performance is related to the result of the game.
關鍵字 亞洲盃;射門;射正;傳球;犯規次數
語言 zh_TW
期刊性質 國內
收錄於 NotTSSCI
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/123179 )