學年 109
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2021-03-01
作品名稱 《夢窗詞甲稿》自度曲韻律分析
作品名稱(其他語言) Rhythm analysis of significance in Wu wen-ying’s homemade song
著者 普義南
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Journal of East Asian Identities 6, 頁104-113
摘要 自度曲是通曉音律的詞人自己譜寫新的詞調,不僅是詞體生命力的象徵,也是詞人獨創性的極致表現,兩宋通曉音律者柳永、周邦彥、姜夔、吳文英等詞人都有自度曲創作。明代毛晉所刻《夢窗詞甲稿》〈西子妝慢〉以及下面連續八調,目前確定為夢窗自度曲。萬樹云「今雖音理失傳,而詞格具在」,因此本文即以這九調夢窗自度曲為研究對象,分析其詞格韻律,首先分析其韻位、換頭增韻、韻部的用韻方式;其次分析其律拗變化、四聲用字之字律組合;最後分析其句組領字、對偶之特殊句律。藉此歸納出夢窗詞自度曲韻律特色,一窺詞人文藝創新之堂奧。 The “homemade song” means the new tonal patterns and rhyme schemes of Ci poetry that created by the poet who acquainted with temperament. It’s not only a symbol of vitality of Ci poetry, but also represents the ultimate expression of Ci poet’s originality. During the two Song Dynasties, many Ci poets such as Liu Yong, Zhou Bang-yan, Jiang Kui and Wu wen-ying wrote down their own home made songs. The ‘Hsi-tzu-chuang-man” and the following eight Ci tonal patterns included in the “Mengchuang Ci Chia Kao” edited by Mao Jin in Ming Dynasty were identified as Wu wen-ying’s homemade song. Wanshu had said, “Although the soundology was lost, but the Ci patterns is still there.” This is why this article will focus on these nine Wu wen-ying’s homemade songs, to analyze their tonal patterns and rhyme schemes such as the position of rhyme, the skill of using rhyme, the diversification between rules and exceptions. Finally, I want to sum up the conclusion of the rhythm features of Mengchuang Ci’s homemade songs, to revel the characteristic of his literary innovation.
關鍵字 夢窗;吳文英;自度曲;韻律
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 2433-1759
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,電子版

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