關鍵少數? 論樣板理論的性別差異性
學年 110
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2022-05-01
作品名稱 關鍵少數? 論樣板理論的性別差異性
作品名稱(其他語言) Minority: On Gender Disparities of Tokenism Theory
著者 黃妍甄
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 中央警察大學警察行政管理學報 Journal of Police Management (18), 頁139-151
摘要 傳統觀念的改變以及個人意與識的抬頭,打破了許多職業類別在性別上的限制,然而,在長期發展之下,許多職業仍已塑造堅不可摧的特定形象。女警以及男護理師的加入,已為既有的職場環境產生了重大的影響,女警以及男護理師雖然同為組織中的樣板,但在社會風俗習慣與刻板印象的影響下,同為樣板的女警以及男護理師,卻受到截然不同影響以及待遇,本研究將透過文獻分析法,以比較性研究的方式進行分析。本研究發現,樣板的加入確實有其重要性與不可取代性,然而,女警確實會在組織中,受到不公平的影響,反觀,同為樣板的男護理師,反而在組織中卻能享有更多的發展機會以及空間,「男強女弱」的傳統觀念事實上仍無形地被複製在組織當中。性別平權的推廣以及落實,不能僅以數量作為一個衡量的機制,而是需要針對整個社會的傳統觀念以及刻板印象來進行改變,才能真正有助於塑造出一個平等、友善的工作環境。 Some of the gender stereotypes we know today were not always present in the past. Whereas, many occupations are dominated by either female workers or male workers. Particular attention is paid to police officers and nurses. By comparing the characteristics of each profession's workforce. The author investigates psychological climate of gender inequity as a way to explore Tokenism Theory. Some gendered jobs are clearly rooted in stereotypes. Female police officers and male nurses bring a huge impact on their occupations. Minority groups may differ in the extent to which they will experience the negative consequences of tokenism as a result of their token status. Both female police officers and male nurses experience tokenism, female police officers experience greater disadvantage in the workplace. Through document analysis, the author investigates psychological climate of gender inequity as a way to understand how tokens experience. In the present study, results reveal that "Tokens", female police officers, experienced a variety of hardships in the workplace because of gender inequality. Token police officers do experience the effects of tokenism as predicted by tokenism theory. By contrast, male nurses who break into the female dominated field of nurses have many opportunities for promotion and advancement in their profession. Promoting gender equality in the workplace, we're working with businesses and organizations to build a culture of respect and fairness. To create a hospitable work environment for minorities, we must first understand their workplace experiences.
關鍵字 樣板理論;性別刻板印象;性別平等;人力資源管理;Tokenism Theory;Gender Stereotype;Gender Equality;Human Resource Management
語言 zh_TW
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,電子版

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/123016 )

SDGS 性別平等