Taiwan Taekwondo Coach Starts an Undertaking of Taekwondo Club in China: A Case Study of Shao-Hsien Tseng
學年 107
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2018-12-30
作品名稱 Taiwan Taekwondo Coach Starts an Undertaking of Taekwondo Club in China: A Case Study of Shao-Hsien Tseng
作品名稱(其他語言) 臺灣跆拳道教練赴中國開館創業研究-以曾紹先教練為例
著者 Kung-Cheng Chiu; Yuan-Sheng Wang
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 跆拳道學刊Journal of in Taekwondo Sports(5),頁61-78
摘要 Taekwondo clubs are the mainstay of the development and popularization of Taekwondo in Taiwan, behind the glory; it must be the result of the joint efforts from the players and coaches. However, many kinds of literature focused on how to show the maximum strength value with the lowest physical loss; by using precise scientific data and parameter, trying to improve the athletic performances, in order to reach a higher level of sports competition. Although the argument is beyond doubt, it lacks of humanistic care. The purpose of this study was mainly using a qualitative research method an in-depth interview on case coaches (research object) sharing their own successful experiences, and participant observation method as well to understand and confirm the beginning to end. Case coaches experienced the hardship in Taoyuan, Taipei and finally rooting in Xiamen, showing the indomitable spirit of Taekwondo. Their successful experience is worth to follow and learn for young coaches. 跆拳道館是臺灣跆拳道發展普及與揚威國際的中流砥柱,國人讚譽其輝煌成績的背後,必然是選手及教練共同攜手努力的成果。然而眾多文獻聚焦如何以最低的體能損耗,展現最大力量值;透過精確的科學數據,提供參數,試圖完善運動表現,以達更高境界的競技運動之林;論證無庸置疑,但卻缺乏人文關懷。本研究以質性研究的深度訪談法開啟個案教練分享成功經驗,參與觀察法為輔,瞭解及印證事件發生始末。個案教練歷經桃園、臺北、廈門三地的淬煉,最終在廈門落地生根,展現不屈不撓的跆拳道人精神,其成功的經驗值得年輕教練效法、學習。
關鍵字 Taekwondo club management;Xiamen;Qualitative Research;跆拳道館經營;廈門;質性研究
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 2519-6995
期刊性質 國內
收錄於 NotTSSCI Airiti Library Taiwan
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/123175 )