學年 111
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2022-09-01
作品名稱 氣候與環境因子對屋頂型太陽光電發電量之影響
作品名稱(其他語言) The Influences of Climate and Environmental Factors on the Roof Top Photovoltaic Power Generation
著者 楊銘; 廖惠珠; 李怡慧; 孫育伯
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 臺灣能源期刊 9(3), 頁263-280
摘要 本文依據10間屋頂型太陽光電廠3年期間的發電日資料,搭配相對應的氣候與環境日資料,進 行混合資料迴歸分析與視覺化圖表分析,探討氣候與環境因子對屋頂型太陽光電廠發電量的影響。 其中,視覺化圖表分析除協助迴歸分析之變數篩選與測試外,更清晰及有效呈現迴歸分析成果,且 進一步探討重要影響因子之動態性變化。本文迴歸分析高達8成的解釋力,應有助相關單位較準確 預測太陽光電的日發電量。另外,除印證全天空日射量之重要解釋力外,亦發現北部地區建置太陽 光電廠,應可減輕臺灣南部沿岸夏季常下雨而造成太陽光電發電不足現象。最後,南部地區建置太 陽光電廠時,宜多注意,外在環境過熱與空污問題。上述研究發現與政策意涵,應有助我國太陽光 電的發展,邁向2050淨零排放的目標。 This paper investigates the influences of climate and environmental factors on the power of the roof top photovoltaic power generation. By using the daily power generation data of 10 roof top photovoltaic power plants and their corresponding climate and environmental data, this paper implements the pooling data regression analysis with the help of data visualization. Except verifying the important role of the global solar radiation, we also found the roof top photovoltaic power plants located in the northern part of Taiwan may alleviate the photovoltaic power generation shortage problem due to the more frequent rains along the southern coast in the summer. Besides, the power plants located in the southern part of Taiwan should concern the issues of hot temperature and air pollution. Finally, our regression results may help to enhance the daily photovoltaic power generation forecasting since the R2 is high upto 80%. All above findings and policy implications would help the development
關鍵字 屋頂型太陽光電;迴歸分析;視覺化圖表分析;氣候與環境因子
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 2310-9661
期刊性質 國內
通訊作者 李怡慧
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/123096 )