學年 105
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2016-09-28
作品名稱 從就業選擇的風險態度反思家庭與學校的影響
作品名稱(其他語言) Factors Influencing Individual's Risk Attitude of Employment Sector: the Role of Family and School
著者 Yen-Ling Lin
摘要 This study investigates the effects of risk aversion on the choice of employment sector. Risk aversion is employed in many theoretical models but is incorporated into few empirical models. This study employs a joint model on employment sector choice and background characteristics to show that employment choice is an inverse function of the degree of relative risk aversion. We adopt data from the Taiwan Education Panel Survey and Beyond. A logit model is applied to estimate the effects of personal, family, and school characteristics on risk attitudes, and the predicted value of risk attitudes is then used to analyze individuals’ employment choices. We find that individuals with a higher share of risky experiences are less risk averse and therefore tend to choose the riskier labor market of the private sector. 本文探討家庭及學校對風險態度形成與選擇就業部門的影響。近年投入公部門考試的人數不斷提升,平均錄取年齡的提高顯示考試的競爭及投入考試期間的更加延長,造成閒置勞動力增加,對於一國的經濟發展並沒有好處。本文利用台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫2009年的勞動市場調查,連結樣本在中學至大學階段的家庭與學校狀況,除了考慮總體經濟因素之外,將可能的家庭與學校因素納入實證模型分析,對風險態度進行預測,再將風險的預測值分析對就業部門選擇的影響。本文的實證結果顯示風險趨避程度較高者傾向選擇公部門就業,而形成風險態度的因素中,與父母、手足、與學校師生關係皆是影響因素。
關鍵字 risk aversion;employment sector;Taiwan Education Panel Survey and Beyond;logit model;風險態度;就業部門;台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫;logit模型
語言 en_US

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/123960 )