Teaching introduction to French Philosophy to Taiwanese French learners: A holistic approach
學年 110
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2022-02-21
作品名稱 Teaching introduction to French Philosophy to Taiwanese French learners: A holistic approach
作品名稱(其他語言) 向台灣法語學習者教 授法國哲學導論:整體方法
著者 Marie-Julie Maitre 馬朱麗
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 輔仁外語學報:語言學、文學、文化
摘要 我從 2014 年開始用法語教授法文系四年級學生“法國思潮導讀”課程。我從講座形式開始,研究法語的主要哲學文本。然而,我試圖找到一種方法,讓更多的學生使用法語進行哲學思考的實踐。2019 年,我參加了以 Matthew Lipman 和 Chiara Pastorini 的兒童哲學教學法研習。這是一種整體的方法,學生不僅是聽眾,也是演員。使用心靈和身體,整個人都參與在思考的過程中。 我將這種整體的實踐應用於我用法語教授的課程。對於有關概念的課程,我以腦力激盪法的方式讓學生去做定義,並透過兩到三個與之相關的哲學問題進行探討。例如,在探討“藝術”的課程中,我們研究的問題是:“藝術:模仿還是創造?”我建議學生們先畫一束他們想像中的花;接著,我讓他們臨摹畫出我在課堂上準備的花束。通過這項活動,他們“親歷”了問題,並幫助他們更加理解講座和課文的內容。他們具體而積極地學習如何使用法語來進行加強分析、辯論以及提出問題來進行推理的能力。然後在他們覺得自己準備好的時候,協助他們在受關懷與開放的思想之下,使用法文(聽、說、讀、寫)進行論壇。 I am teaching the course “Introduction to French Philosophy” in French language to 4th year Taiwanese French learners since 2014. I started by a lecture format with a study of the main philosophical texts in French. However, I tried to find a way to involve more my students into the practice of philosophizing while using French language. In 2019, I was trained on teaching philosophy to children following the methodologies of Matthew Lipman and Chiara Pastorini. It is a holistic approach where the students are not only listeners but also actors. Using mind and body, the whole person is engaged in the thought process. I adapted this holistic practice to my class taught in French. For a notion’s course, I introduced brainstorming where the students define it, and two or three workshops on philosophical questions linked to it. For instance, for the course on “Art”, we study the question: “Art: imitation or creation?” I propose to the students first to draw a bouquet of flowers they imagine; and second, I ask them to draw the bouquet I exposed in the class. With this activity, they “live” the problem and it helps them to better understand lectures and texts. They concretely and actively learn how to conduct a reasoning by acquiring the abilities of conceptualizing, arguing and problematizing in French. Then, the format of discussing in forum helps them to use French (oral and written production and comprehension) when they feel ready, surrounded by benevolence and open mindedness.
關鍵字 法國哲學導論;法語作為外語;兒童哲學;整體方法論;Introduction to French Philosophy;French as a foreign language;Philosophy for Children;Holistic methodology
語言 en
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/122203 )

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