A Distributed Agents Approach for Design / Fabricating Process Management among Prototyping Practice Environment
學年 109
學期 2
發表日期 2021-03-29
作品名稱 A Distributed Agents Approach for Design / Fabricating Process Management among Prototyping Practice Environment
著者 C-F, Hsiao; C-H, Lee; C-Y, Chen; T-W, Chang
會議名稱 CAADRIA 2021
會議地點 Hong Kong
摘要 This paper develops a design and fabrication process management platform for prototyping practice environments using a robot operating system (ROS) framework, which we refer to as a fabricating operating service (FOS). The FOS executes a sequence of fabrication workflow that goes from materials handling, positioning, fabrication simulation, executing process to parts assembling. Each work phase is considered a different activity in the execution phase and a compact printed circuit board node to send and receive physical data. These nodes are registered onto an FOS cloud master, which distributes the node-to-node communication and links up the entire sequence of the workflow map. We propose FOS given that its loose, coupled, and distributed computation framework allows the fabrication team to visualize and record data using sharable ROS package structures. The FOS provides the advantage of easily creating additional tools, configurations, and automated scripts, and it increases the fabrication capabilities by simplifying and providing solutions for future robotic-aided fabrication development
關鍵字 ROS;prototype;node;fabrication workflow
語言 en
會議性質 國際
研討會時間 20210329~20210401
通訊作者 chifu, hsiao
國別 CHN
出處 CAADRIA 2021 proceedings,vol.1,p593-602

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/121236 )

SDGS 優質教育,產業創新與基礎設施,永續城市與社區