Advances in technological control of greenhouse gas emissions from wastewater in the context of circular economy
學年 109
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2021-06-16
作品名稱 Advances in technological control of greenhouse gas emissions from wastewater in the context of circular economy
著者 Pahunang, Rekich R.; Buonerba, Antonio; Senatore, Vincenzo; Oliva, Giuseppina; Ouda, Mariam; Zarra, Tiziano; Muñoz, Raul; Puig, Sebastià; Ballesteros, Florencio C.; Li, Chi-Wang; Hasan, Shadi W.; Belgiorno, Vincenzo; Naddeo, Vincenzo
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Science of The Total Environment 792, 148479
摘要 This review paper aims to identify the main sources of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and highlights the technologies developed for CO2 capture in this milieu. CO2 is emitted in all the operational units of conventional WWTPs and even after the disposal of treated effluents and sludges. CO2 emissions from wastewater can be captured or mitigated by several technologies such as the production of biochar from sludge, the application of constructed wetlands (CWs), the treatment of wastewater in microbial electrochemical processes (microbial electrosynthesis, MES; microbial electrolytic carbon capture, MECC; in microbial carbon capture, MCC), and via microalgal cultivation. Sludge-to-biochar and CW systems showed a high cost-effectiveness in the capture of CO2, while MES, MECC, MCC technologies, and microalgal cultivation offered efficient capture of CO2 with associate production of value-added by-products. At the state-of-the-art, these technologies, utilized for carbon capture and utilization from wastewater, require more research for further configuration, development and cost-effectiveness. Moreover, the integration of these technologies has a potential internal rate of return (IRR) that could equate the operation or provide additional revenue to wastewater management. In the context of circular economy, these carbon capture technologies will pave the way for new sustainable concepts of WWTPs, as an essential element for the mitigation of climate change fostering the transition to a decarbonised economy.
關鍵字 Greenhouse gas;Carbon capture;Carbon storage;Wastewater
語言 en_US
ISSN 1879-1026
期刊性質 國外
收錄於 SCI
國別 USA
出版型式 ,電子版

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SDGS 潔淨水與衛生,永續城市與社區,氣候行動