碩士班推薦 信UC Davis Graduate School
學年 109
學期 1
服務開始日期 2021-01-12
服務結束日期 2021-01-12
中文姓名 張勝雄 Sheng-hsiung Chang
服務單位名稱 國企系
擔任職務 碩士班推薦 信UC Davis Graduate School
服務性質 5
備註 Dear Mr. Chang, The following applicant is seeking admission to graduate study at the University of California, Davis and is requesting that you submit a recommendation on their behalf. Applicant Name: Zixi Zhang Applicant Email: zixiz0510@gmail.com Graduate Program: Statistics Degree Objective: M.S. To ensure that our applicants receive timely consideration, UC Davis Graduate Studies only accepts recommendations via our secure online system. Please use the link below to complete our applicant evaluation form and upload your letter of recommendation. This link is unique to this recommendation and should not be shared or forwarded. Submit Recommendation We appreciate your support of graduate education opportunities for this applicant. Thank you very much for your time. Sincerely, Graduate Admissions UC Davis Graduate Studies

UC Davis Graduate Studies.pdf