Evaluation of the Properties, Gas Permeability and Selectivity of Mixed Matrix Membrane Based on Polysulfone Polymer Matrix Incorporated with KIT-6 Silica
學年 108
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2019-10-23
作品名稱 Evaluation of the Properties, Gas Permeability and Selectivity of Mixed Matrix Membrane Based on Polysulfone Polymer Matrix Incorporated with KIT-6 Silica
著者 Sie Hao Ding; Tiffany Yit Siew Ng; Thiam Leng Chew; Pei Ching Oh; Abdul Latif Ahmad; Chii-Dong Ho
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Polymers 11(11), 1732(11 pages)
摘要 Mixed matrix membranes (MMMs) separation is a promising technology for gas permeation and separation involving carbon dioxide (CO2). However, finding a suitable type of filler for the formation of defect-free MMMs with enhancement in gas permeability remains a challenge. Current study focuses on synthesis of KIT-6 silica and followed by the incorporation of KIT-6 silica as filler into polysulfone (PSF) polymer matrix to fabricate MMMs, with filler loadings of 0–8 wt %. The effect of KIT-6 incorporation on the properties of the fabricated MMMs was evaluated via different characterization techniques. The MMMs were investigated for gas permeability and selectivity with pressure difference of 5 bar at 25 °C. KIT-6 with typical rock-like morphology was synthesized. Incorporation of 2 wt % of KIT-6 into PSF matrix produced MMMs with no void. When KIT-6 loadings in the MMMs were increased from 0 to 2 wt %, the CO2 permeability increased by ~48%, whereas the ideal CO2/CH4 selectivity remained almost constant. However, when the KIT-6 loading in PSF polymer matrix was more than 2 wt %, the formation of voids in the MMMs increased the CO2 permeability but sacrificed the ideal CO2/CH4 selectivity. In current study, KIT-6 was found to be potential filler for PSF matrix under controlled KIT-6 loading for gas permeation.
關鍵字 KIT-6;polysulfone;MMMs;CO2;gas permeability and selectivity
語言 en_US
期刊性質 國外
收錄於 SCI
國別 USA
出版型式 ,電子版

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/117819 )

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