An Exploratory Cross-Cultural Study: Fathers’ Early Involvement with Infants
學年 107
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2019-05-29
作品名稱 An Exploratory Cross-Cultural Study: Fathers’ Early Involvement with Infants
著者 Chia Jung Yeh; Sharon Ballard; Hui Bian; Ajay Singh; Chih-hung Chung; Shann Hwa Hwang; Lin Moore; Potchanat Samermit; Pimara Thongsaeng
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Early Child Development and Care
摘要 This research study recruited 107 fathers from the United States (n = 31), Taiwan (n = 36), and Thailand (n = 37) to examine fathers’ involvement in daily caregiving and engagement tasks, as well as fathers’ accessibility to their infant(s) during weekdays and the weekend. Results indicated that the most influential demographic variables on father involvement were the interaction between fathers’ education and income, number of children in the household, as well as country between the U.S. and Thailand regardless of living area, fathers’ age, education and income alone. Additionally, fathers showed different involvement during weekdays and the weekend. Father’s education level, number of children in the household, and the interaction between education and income had a combined effect on father involvement during the week and on the weekend. Fathers in the United States showed higher involvement in infant caregiving during the weekend when compared to fathers in Taiwan and Thailand.
關鍵字 Father involvement with infants;Taiwan;Thailand, United States
語言 en_US
期刊性質 國外
收錄於 SSCI
國別 USA
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

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SDGS 良好健康和福祉,性別平等