Estimating the Gaps between Potential Enrollment Numbers and Kindergarten Capacities by Using Time Series Models
學年 107
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2018-12-01
作品名稱 Estimating the Gaps between Potential Enrollment Numbers and Kindergarten Capacities by Using Time Series Models
著者 Dian-Fu Chang; Huei-Ting Huang; Hsiao-Chi ChangTzeng
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 ICIC Express Letters Part B: Applications, 9(12),p.1241-1248 (Scopus)
摘要 This study selected Taiwan as a target to tackle the issue of gap between potential enrollment numbers and kindergarten capacities (KC). The purposes of this study are to realize the effect of 0-year babies (ZYB) declining existing in Taiwan, to project the future development of ZYB and to estimate the gap between ZYB and KC in the system. This study selects the ARIMA model to verify the robustness of forecasting ZYB. Employing the projecting data of ZYB, this study calculates the gaps between ZYB and estimated KC in next decade. Based on the fittest ARIMA model and the gap estimation, this study found the one-year model of KC is oversupply and the gaps will increase steadily. The gaps between demands and supplies in two-year model of KC are diminishing in next decade. This study provides a practical method to detect whether it is an issue of oversupply in the kindergarten system. Both predict and estimate models provide useful knowledge to reinvent management strategies to ameliorate the issue of the system.
關鍵字 ARIMA;Kindergarten capacity;Management strategy;Newborn babies;Time series analysis
語言 en_US
ISSN 2185-2766
期刊性質 國外
通訊作者 Huei-Ting Huang
國別 JPN
出版型式 ,電子版

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SDGS 優質教育