On the field line length dependence of variations in anisotropies for pitch angle distributions of keV electrons at dipolarization sites in the tailside
學年 106
學期 2
發表日期 2018-05-20
作品名稱 On the field line length dependence of variations in anisotropies for pitch angle distributions of keV electrons at dipolarization sites in the tailside
著者 Kaiti Wang; Zhuo-Ren Lang; Ching-Huei Lin; Tohru Hada; Alfred B. C. Chen; Yukitoshi Nishimura
會議名稱 JpGU Meeting 2018
會議地點 日本 千葉
摘要 Previous studies had reported observations from various satellite missions on changes in pitch angle distributions of electrons during dipolarization periods at Earth’s tailside associated with geomagnetic activities. In this study, we quantitatively analyzed the variations in anisotropies for pitch angle distributions of electrons based on observations from 2008 to 2011, by particle instruments ESA and SST onboard the probes of THEMIS mission, at dipolarization sites in the inner plasma sheet. The ratio of this anisotropy during dipolarization to that before dipolarization is found to overall exhibit an increasing trend on its upper limit as the length of field line the probe located increases, specifically for electrons with energies on the order of keV. The effectiveness of Fermi acceleration at different field line length may account for this feature. We will present these results on the aspects of observations as well as theories.
關鍵字 pitch angle distributions;dipolarization;THEMIS mission
語言 en
會議性質 國際
研討會時間 20180520~20180524
通訊作者 Kaiti Wang
國別 JPN
出處 PEM16-25, Abstracts of JpGU Meeting 2018

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/113662 )

SDGS 氣候行動