學年 105
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2016-12-31
作品名稱 探究Kahoot雲端即時反饋系統輔助高中國文學習之效益
著者 王怡萱
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 教育傳播與科技研究 115,頁37-57
摘要 本論文目的為探討結合雲端即時反饋系統輔助高中國文科文言文單元之學習效益。本研究之研究參與者為80 位高職二年級學生,研究者以準實驗研究法進行研究,透過量化與質化並重之方式,蒐集數據與分析資料。實驗期間,實驗組學習者運用雲端即時反饋系統進行課程互動學習,對照組學習者則維持原本課堂的紙筆測驗問答方式進行課堂學習。研究結果發現,實驗組學習者對於運用雲端即時反饋系統於課中做為輔助學習工具有正向反饋,其中,低成就學習者在學習成就測驗之前、後測中均有達到顯著進步之學習差異,且本研究發現雲端學習互動系統除有助於引發同儕討論,並能提升低成就者學習者的學習自信。本研究亦於文末提出相關研究建議與未來研究方向展望,作為後續有興趣研究者之研究參考依據。 The aim of the study was to adopt a cloud-based interactive response system in a Chinese class and to investigate whether using the system could foster students' Chinese learning. A quasi-experimental design was employed, and a total of 80 eleventh graders participated in the experiment. The learners were divided into two groups. The learners in experimental group conducted course interaction through the cloud-based interactive response system, while the learners in control group used their original learning and teaching method for learning interaction. The findings indicated that most of the students as well as the instructor reflected positive feedback regarding the use of the cloud-based interactive response system for course learning, and the results revealed that the low-achievement learners in E.G. showed great engagement in the course and achieved significant improvements between the pre- and post-tests. In sum, the cloud-based interactive response system is an easy-to-use learning trigger that encourages students to participate in activities, arouses course discussion and furthermore enhance the low- achievement learners' learning confidence. Suggestions and future work for educators and instructional designers are also proposed in the end of the study.
關鍵字 國文學習;即時反饋系統;雲端應用;Chinese learning;Interactive response system;Cloud-based system
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 2308-3026
期刊性質 國內
收錄於 THCI Core
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/109703 )